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Everything posted by REDSTAR 105

  1. REDSTAR 105

    i lol'd

    Se7ensins newest member.
  2. http://www.grimmemennesker.dk/data/media/2/LOL.jpg
  3. that first one was pretty epic
  4. REDSTAR 105

    sad day

    http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/DarkEmoticons/crybaby.gif Its been a great 4 years
  5. ...LOL,
  7. okay, been here probably over 10000 times the past.... almost 4 years now
  8. REDSTAR 105

    Rick Roll

  9. LOL and this is what bungie used to look like back in like July of 2001 http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/5692/picture2zw.png
  10. one of the first stories on bungie.net. right?
  11. ive came here WAYYYY more than 201 times
  12. oh shi. i meant xbox live party chat.
  13. "Xbox live PARTY CHAT will not work with non preview members" That made me not sign up.
  14. whar?
  15. downloadin reach :)
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jmdalmighty


      That's what she said
    3. Rogue Modder
    4. Lockon


      Don't jump to conclusion guys, Theres also a downloadable one on XBL
  16. LLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO........ :0 ........ L
  17. ♥
  18. LOL.
  19. Glossy black goes better with the power button, it looks awkward with white.
  20. this cant me fanmade, thats the actual double rainbow guy.
  21. .....what the ****.
  22. im fourteen, therefore i dont drink, but ive seen this video b4.
  23. when did he spam mexican porn?
  24. The spartan helmet is probably getting splattered by a cone, classified is a medal on bungie.net and you get it when you get killed by a cone. Pretty sure, not 100%.
  25. REDSTAR 105


    dont die
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