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Everything posted by shotspartin1177

  1. Bungie is retarded yea they might have made halo 3 but guess what we asked for pelicans but we diddent get pelicans we asked for scarabs WE DIDDENT GET SCARABS we asked for shadowdropship WE DIDDENT GET SHADOW DROPSHIP.To my perspective i think bungie is gay and retarted. and yes i do have a resigner and so dose every body else they just dont know is a resigner i told skippper what it was diddent tell him how to use it though.
  2. this is not fake it is a design i am going to finish in c++ so shut up i never said i made it yet
  3. i know there not going to but they where going to ban us
  4. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17614-562.jpg What the con resigner i mightmake looks like so far.
  5. Ha i will expect alot of people to say that in a good way i hope they ban me too so that we release it ill just get a new xbox and add an extra 7 to shotspartin1177 stupid bungie.....................
  6. ok since you all know bungie want to ban me(ShotSpartin1177) pimpin tyler,ambio sligstorm and more. Beacuse of anthony, This is a consol ban so we all would need to get new xboxs and return these no one would know at eb games hopefully,So a couple of the modders like me sligstorm,shade45,shadowlag,and pimpen tyler have set up something if any of us modders get banned WE WILL RELEASE THE CON RESIGNER this is a warning to bungie to leave us modders be left alone and if they dont big conssequences are going to be happening like, game score maxed with achievments , highest ranks in all games, modding halo skate and all video game that are moddable,porn on halo3 film clips,porn 360 backround, names in halo like @#%$ head cock sucker.and more custom bios and mottos with cussing allowed like in your motto saying @#%$ on my cock s*** head. and this will be the fault of bungie for banning one of our modders so bungie members if you ever visit this site and read this THIS IS A WARNING. __shotspartin1177__
  7. thats not even close to being over loaded my 1 sandtrap mod i mde it freezes your xbox for 20 to 30 sec and then it lags a littel and then its fine but this map is close over loading pic here http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screensh...e&ssid=36270133 ill release later
  8. mfone ithink my last resort flooded is better what u think
  10. well that is hard to do beacuse you have to do an xtra step in hex edit witch is hard thats why thers not so many
  11. no not really bout mancannons its our firs mod u gotta see my balckout mod
  12. thx for realising my mod dude on tis site it saved me some time
  13. ok map resigned and rehashed not leaked only me oodom711 and hexabyte have it video here soon
  14. im learning to re hash soon and i know some one who will resign my map every time the person will be know to be(anonymous)
  15. Riverworld-[valhalla] E23500BF - flag base respawn ident swaped-15 cloneorbs F1260FB0 - brute chopper ident swaped-3 anti air wraiths ED1F0BA9 - mongoose ident swaped-8 eliet clones F6CC1556 - crate ident swaped-1 anti air wraith turrent F6A3152D - fusion coil ident swaped-21 spartans ED970C21 - wraith ident swaped-2 man cannons EA3B08C5 - warthog ident swaped-5 clay grenades F211109B - bubble sheild ident swaped-1 bubble shield open F76E15F8 - grav lift permanent ident swaped-4 hornets F66E14F8 - deployable cover ident swaped-1 tree F30B1195 - regenarator ident swaped-rocket ammo F24910D3 - tripmine ident swaped-4 cloneorbs E8D3075D - sniper ident swaped-needeler ammo [glowy things] E53603C0 - br ident swaped-2 troop hogs F4C61350 - brute shot ident swaped-1 troop hog F3D3125D - pp ident swaped-2 grass E23400BE - flag return base ident swaped-energy drain open enjoy when it is resigned- made by Clan 7th colum modders shotspartin1177,oodom16,and thx to ikillyou52 for making the original map MAP NEEDS TO BE RESIGNED Pack comes with johnson1.4,Modded usermap, Read This First .txt and whats modded.txt DOWNLOAD- REMOVED FOR LEAKING REASONS VIDEO- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1_Ir7yGb-o
  16. this guy cant mod its a lie so is mfone and dakhaos are liers
  17. u wont be getting it for awile unless we go back to play halo 3 for some old time fun but for now where playing gta iv online ant like 8;00 at night till like ten so come and play with us gts sligstorm shotspartin1177 ambi0 chrisco16 XxquickkillxX.
  18. or you get a dev kit and mod the xex so you can play maps offline unresigned
  19. ok yes anthony did do this for a gift for sligstorm for some reason but me and sligstorm are cool and hes oly released it to chrisco ambio and quickkill and i know for shure he wont be realising is for a long time beacuse he is always playing with ambio me quickkill chrisco on gta iv and wont be playing halo3 for a wile so dont go asking him for it and mfone dose not know anthony and i asked sligstorm and he asked anthony and anthony never talked to to mfone or dakhos so mfone stop lying...
  20. your a retard point made look at the other post of the theater post of this and read this post duch bag made by me @#%$ head you dont mod neither dose your freinds go outside get a girlfreind and stop playing halo all day faggot
  21. what are u $%#^%# kidding me dude go to map it happend on made by me read the date also and no the thing threw nades backwards and also glided was yellow and meelled weird so @#%$ you u dont know crap and you have no resigner and you cant mod neither can dakahos so get a life and go out side get a girl freind rather then play halo all day faggot .
  22. DOWNLOAD-- http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20547304 ok so i was playing foundry on my new map beacuse it was my last map i was making beacuse i was going on to gta iv when i got it the next day and somthig weird happend a ghost appeared yellow and it glided on the map threw nads back wards and meleed from a mile away this is the ghost of foundry ---ShotSpartin1177--- Map it happend on- http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20315430 video download at top youtube video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6swzpBuOW1I Enjoy this Thread
  23. DOWNLOAD-- http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20547304 ok so i was playing foundry on my new map beacuse it was my last map i was making beacuse i was going on to gta iv when i got it the next day and somthig weird happend a ghost appeared yellow and it glided on the map threw nads back wards and meleed from a mile away this is the ghost of foundry ---ShotSpartin1177--- Map it happend on- http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20315430 video download at top youtube video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6swzpBuOW1I Enjoy this Thread
  24. dude im 15
  25. shotspartin1177


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