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Everything posted by shotspartin1177

  1. What the F*CK i downloaded this map from some freewebs site and when i was extracting it it showed me this *Bad Language* Below http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31636-53.jpg
  2. thax for all the people that liked this mod it reminded me about the mod on relic on halo 2 with fog swat truck etc..
  3. Chill Out http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31539-61.jpg Map- ColdStorage Maker - ShotSpartin1177 Description - Mist Flood TreeStumps locked in one room & Fate Ready To Be Revealed Features- Mist, Treestumps on the map Bubbles of flood little flood creatures,playable,Brs On The map Lock in one room with no way out. Fun To Play With modded Game Type Pics- http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31539-62.jpg DOWNLOAD http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=43511826 GameType http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=43312375 Enjoy ~ShotSpartin1177~
  4. well whan you can spell much i will be afendended fagot.
  5. o yea tyler you diddent get my password or my email you fail at life and games so shut the hell up
  6. you have no life so stfu pice of sh!t i probly got more freinds than you in life and even on halo
  7. wow skipper you guys have no lives what so ever you stayed up till 4 just for somthing on halo 3 go out side and get a girl freind
  8. thats how i got this one i made it eaiser so people just have to download it
  9. Cold Storage http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31505-64.jpg Description: A map that was released on Bungie Day. Submited by: ShotSpartin1177 Screenshot OverVeiw: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31505-65.jpg For IbotModz DOWNLOAD - http://files.filefront.com/chilloutmap/;10...;/fileinfo.html Now Mod It Resign it http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31505-66.jpg Rehash it http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31505-67.jpg Enjoy ~ShotSpartin1177~
  10. wen i tries=d to play halo 3 it said You have been Perminantly banned from halo 3 online serivce thats why i got an new acc
  11. im not shure if this is it but i think its in the bloc tag and its called objectsphysicsnutblocker_1x1x2nutblocker_1x1x2
  12. well this is solved i have finished a rehasher that does about 1gig
  13. i foud out the problem the clip was 1 mb and rehashers only rehash up to 88.7 kb
  14. ok every time i try to resign a film clip i get this message even when i try befor i mod it Pic - http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/29845-92.jpg
  15. fo sum reason it wont resign i get an error half way of resigning
  16. dark you hilarios how you give warnings out lol
  17. he used sand box
  18. i do it dosent work then i think its beacuse i dont rehash just resign idk but its really annoying
  19. ok befor i used to hve to hex edit again beacuse nothing has changed then it would work but now it happens every time so if some one could tell me how to fix this it would be greatly appreciated But i herd that hxd is screwing up fo people that have used it many many times.
  20. what are you guys talking about SNOWTRAP??? first- of all theres no snow on santrap second- it would hve to be a .map third- we can only do that on a devkit forth- there is no user map and no snow trap beacuse its just a pic of someone throwing a grenade and it exploding and the camrea making it shiney to look like snow wow i cant believe you guy diddent know this pretty sad and to the guy who said he has it YOU DONT and stop llying
  21. just to tell u guys its not really a thret to them beacuse u gus would only have it for 2-3 datys beacuse people make modded maps and then bungie takes them sorts them out then they get the key pairs and make the resigner not work any more so yea
  22. what a your bot i aint got any bots so what the hell r u talking about
  23. What the hell did i do @#%$ you dont call me a douch there was no reson for that i dont know what you have aginsed me
  24. he showed me this yesterday theres a program called vanity it is film editing he has a reesigner but he cant mod recon if you ask him he will lie about it being an modded usermap THAT IT ISNT its just a modded user film beacuse he will never show it and my freind told me how to do this
  25. i used this program 2 resign 2 modded maps blackdown and sandtrap mod. this is a good program im not shure if it still works
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