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Everything posted by shotspartin1177

  1. You do realize i was talking about shotspartin's sig? I'm not the actual shotspartin if you didn't realize.
  2. Also, it would be an interesting to point out that in his sig, he's a grade 2 corporal with only 18 exp. That's ALSO a load of phail.
  3. EPIC. Shotspartin, you got pwnd, and I'm questioning what your religious followers see in you?
  4. i kneed to take a chill pill you go around getting you little butt buddy hyperstorm/haxalot to hack people just beacuse they talk to you wrong and i think you need a chill pill fag0t
  5. looks whos talking this ones playable yours a random like stage off konck out and gay things like that try to make somthing fun this is not random at all so stfu
  6. when i first saw it i said pointless dumb and why did he make this but when i thought about it i thought it would be relly fun to play this with alot of my freinds good mod 4/5
  7. meh i don like it thers just spawn killing odd balls and annoying little kids i just dont like this one
  8. but still alot of people like it
  9. is it reallly nessecary that you draw on your avatar
  10. you little jew lol jus jking
  11. yea but red taem has 2 extra wart hogs at there base
  12. i dont care if you did this for every map i did mine to help people out and i was the first to put the tag list you just copied so leve me alone
  13. Black Hawk Down http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31814-25.jpg Made by ShotSpartin1177 Post written up by ShotSpartin1177 of iBotModz.net Features: This is an old playable mod you might of seen it is a ctf playable mod with gausturrents,warthogs,lifts,sniper at each base,active flares in beginning of game,wepons placed for game battle fans to look like you going threw vents,splazers only at reds base, clones to look cool,needeler ammon,&birds to top it off Pictures http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31814-26.jpg Video No video sorry Download Mirror 1, Bungie.net Note: All these mods are discourage by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will not be banned, unless you distribute them. Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute. So have fun. ~ShotSpartin1177~ of iBotModz.net
  14. mine dont work my @ss i have ttested them all thay all work i wasent flaming you i just was saying why did you post this when i already did you diddent have to
  15. this post has now been updated with all tag identifiers
  16. there was no reason to post this it has already been posted but the other post has more things in it
  17. Cold Storage UPDATED http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31676-43.jpg Bloc- large dangler - large dangler arm thing - F4FA1384 Small dangler - small dangler arm thing - F5091393 wall I - F52313AD Wall M - F52713B1 Wall XI --------> Invisybl walls/Barriers - F52B13B5 Wall XXI - F52F13B9 Wall XXXI - F53313BD Box I - F50E1398 Box M - F513139D Box XI ---------> Invisable Boxes - F51713A1 Box XXI - F51B13A5 Box XXXI - F51F13A9 Crea - Flood Infection - Small flood things - E512039C Flood infection/ColdStorage - Big Floodthing that are in tubes - F54F13D9 Efsc - fx/Floodtube/FloodTube - Bubbles - EEE30D6D fx/Towermist/TowerMist - Mist - EEEC0D76 Equip- bubblesheild/bubblesheild - bubble sheild active - E3780202 Gravlift/Gravlift - Gravlift Active - E73705C1 InstantCover/InstantCover - Active InstantCover - F32F11B9 Invinciblity_equipment - Invinciblity_equipment - E47402FE Jammer/Jammer - Active Radar Jammer - E4A0032A powerdrain/powerdrain - Active powerdrain - E4DC0366 Regenarator/regenrator -Regenerator Active - E3E1026B Superflare/superflare - Superflare active - E4F5037F Tripmine/Tripmine - Active Tripmine - F30F1199 Flck - Rats - small flood ai - F55913E3 infection form - Big popper ai - F55B13E5 Generict flock - flood walls - F55A13E4 *Warning*(if you spawn ai thats the only thing you can spawn or your xbox will freeze) Scen - Flood tank - Big Flood Form - E55B03E5 Flood ball pulsing - Flood bubble - E1EE0078 Vehic - moniter/moniter - Big Moniter(AkA michal Jackson) - E57D0407 Wep- MonDefender - Some Sort of Weird Gun - E70B0595 Zone - There All Standing in a row - idk Try it out? - E1780003 Post written Up by ~ShotSpartin1177~
  18. Chill Storage http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31666-44.jpg Made by ShotSpartin1177 Post written up by ShotSpartin1177 of iBotModz.net Features: This map is a playable ctf mod made for 8 to 12 players theres 4 mongooses, mist, clones, 2 teleporters(1 on each side),Smgs at both bases,ShotGuns under middle of map, FlameThrower above middle of the map,tenticals all over, blocked door ways,invincability on map,made for CTF gametype. Pictures http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31666-45.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31666-46.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31666-47.jpg Video No Video Sorry Download Mirror 1, Bungie.net Note: All these mods are discourage by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will not be banned, unless you distribute them. Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute. So have fun. ~ShotSpartin1177~ of iBotModz.net
  19. yea sorry for off topicnessss
  20. ok i know this is off topic but did you ever notice that that giant ball thing is like michal jackson it STalkS YOU!!! AND ITS GOT PLASTIC AND IT LIKES TO PLAY WITH LITTLE SPARTANS!!!! Bungie Are SOME weird People LOL! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31649-52.jpg
  21. it was corrupted i cant find the site i got tis from tho
  22. well since i tryied to mod the dot map and resign it it diddnt open in johnson any more so i look around on some websites beacuse i cant log on to xbox softmods and i found this!
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