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Everything posted by nickkrd

  1. if u hold select u can move even when ur orcal
  2. i cans do u wants it hashed to
  3. ya i heard twiggy say wtf he has no wepon
  4. it has two frigits
  5. ya eairs stack covers crouch jump in thats what i did
  6. please remove that found by u i knjow u wernt the first one how found that i found this out moths ago
  7. @#%$ @#%$ @#%$ @#%$ these mods check this out [youtube:2snwkbex]http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=BSgA8n0QSJk[/youtube:2snwkbex]
  8. he has the maps he put a pic on his file share to show me but he took it off so noobs wouldnt any him
  9. standof and vfahlla v2 are not working
  10. u guy got resingers
  11. if i had a girl friend for every one thats gay id be loaded with girls
  12. u can t he creator told me bbut they made it so is difficult
  13. i just found out u cant get in it i lag switched and thers a barrier
  14. can some one plz show me the rats nest mod
  15. how do u get it on xbox rwsinger
  16. im getting rats nest ill give it to ho evr help put the snowbound
  17. link to snow boungd v2 http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=30294292
  18. yes it is i aked william and he siad u can but there is somethinkg u have to do
  19. can u get the rats nest one plz me would like
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