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Everything posted by nickkrd

  1. nickkrd


    could someone make a program that mods personal files like the equipment u hold and ur wepon
  2. suggestion make a program for moddding gears campian like game tuts exept for more options
  3. DArk ur so jelious :lolface:
  4. i tehr a way to do this with juke by samsung i cant find the files? BTW very clear nice tut but i dont think it works on my phone
  5. i just want to contact shade plz if anybody can
  6. nickkrd

    Trampoline I

    sorry for bumping fixed the link in this [/urlPatch Containment.
  7. sorry ill edit that in my post
  8. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=8252 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=7872
  9. no offence to all of u if u have a life and school to think about u will do it the faster way any ways nobody made an all in one description modder its didnt have color size and buttons all in one if there is one show me
  10. does anybody know where to contaact shade idk if hes on this site
  11. f u delete them all
  12. i sorry can u please remove kv # 3 plz plz plz plzpl zplz plz i beg u please i begg u plz
  13. YES PLZ DO
  14. You would leak the personal/mods files duh!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Shot it sounds belivable but as some one else said no pics or its not real. Do u get a thrill just by making up lies?
  16. i will pay 5 $ for infinte health or x3 oversheild
  17. i was told that but ive never seen a tut
  18. found by me tut by me and video from me and W17Z http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODPJj8L-xxA plz dont dohtml it i need views
  19. this is the weird thing This is will be available on Marketplace shortly. does they mean the video
  20. nickkrd

    my mods

    they are narrows and the cod and canz plus theres the under world
  21. nickkrd

    my mods

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjyG-wvvGVM Downloads slot 17 and under watch the vid and the mod is on your resent games http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...beatdownmaster9 plAYable mods narrows with slayer and king of the hill the pit with odball one flag king of the hill and slayer canz with infection the under world: alsmost compleated planned to be released with whole map blocked monday i knows these arent that good i these were mods when i was board i will also be relesing a consult with the whole bottem of the map blocked with barriers and u can stand on then just like the devkit mod zenon made ya i know this is the same old same old i just wanted to relsesee it
  22. im pretty sure with forge 2.3 u can goto bipeds and changerespawn tine and remember if it works u got it from me
  23. sorry to ask buy can u make a map of a amrarican flag made out of gerdanes on stand off if ur willing these are the tags frag = REd light plzma=blue spike =white fire =flashing red lights
  24. 1. I told you i was going to get pictures as soon as i can. 2. Obviously, like bungie would give me flaming, that be awesome. nice mod hope its resesed
  25. why did u delte chach u can still mod normally-
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