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SoTo GoTz SwaG

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Everything posted by SoTo GoTz SwaG

  1. I dont have that game so i wouldnt know
  2. Haha nice all i can make is Hi probaly haha nice App man
  3. OMFG this site just never gets along lol people need to learn how to ******* GET ALONG.... YOU BETTER NOT DELETE MY POST BITCH.. THIS IS TRUE..
  4. OK thank you man im sorry i didnt really look i was in a rush to post
  5. If you guys want any other skins post a reply to this thread ok ill do it
  6. I made it took like 2 hours credits TO MEE FILE LINK:: http://www.filefront.com/14188839/h2_brute_ghost.tif
  7. No DUH! its so easy a cave man can do it LOL
  8. We''l the n00bs on the site that dont mod maybe or Randoms i just posted it to see any replies and things and itz like yea Con modding is boring..
  9. I as just thinking this site wouldget even more Traffic for modding plus .Iso i have a softmodded Xbox360 that my opion So post your Response to it
  10. Haha yepz you know it
  11. Here you can leave a mod request ok msg me on youtube for a fast reply.....I will accept your request if its not out of the water (WHICH MEANS CRAZY PRETTY MUCH) so msg my toube the link DUH! and ill reply if i want to lol... YOUTUBE ACCOUNT= http://www.youtube.com/user/360GlitchBusters POST ME A GOOD REP IF U WANT THX
  12. Nice...NO one better Nominate Sligstorm a.k.a Exoddus
  13. True the only thing good is NOTHING PATCHED and no ban offline lol but the Rest no friends or So on would SUCK!!!
  14. Haha
  15. True. He probaly knows that there are Consequences for this but if he got banned he be pissed for just probaly one second then be like i can do all the modding [offline] he wants in a way
  17. I need one to but i cant find a good Legit 1
  18. Most Likely he wont Give a Crap!
  19. Look Horrible Bungie Sucks at Making Maps
  20. Yea he might get Banned onece they see hiz games but he dont care man his gamerscore already got Reset for Modding it Haha!
  21. SoTo GoTz SwaG


    Duh! the new Dashboard well itz still NXE but UPDATED**
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