Dude..ok but 1 topic just on cod 5 nothing wrong everyone just -rep and i just wnat to know while people - rep me for just saing hmmm i should try that it doesnt make since!
Ok most of you post bad rep on me liek -5 for one post why is that and im just asking if you can add good rep on this topic im -17 lol its funny buy sad cause everyone thinks im dumb or post random stuff {} ps"" i wont be suprised how bad my rep goes downa after this Topic lol it will but idc i just asked..
If you want an invite then Pm me your email so i can send it to you if you dont trust me go make a new eamil then pm me that email adress so PM me if you want one or youtube channel Contact my youtube
Hey im going to make a Racist Machinima and i need some [people to be apart of it] i already made a youtube you can msg me on there or reply on this Topic or also contact me on Xbl saying i want to be in the Racist Machinima Gamertag: SoTo HaTeS BNG YOUTUBE: Racist Machinima YC
o_O is the Staff crying over a -1 its only a number just like you said and its possible your Retard no Offense peaches but wat kind of staff do you have man...????