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SoTo GoTz SwaG

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Everything posted by SoTo GoTz SwaG

  1. Dude..ok but 1 topic just on cod 5 nothing wrong everyone just -rep and i just wnat to know while people - rep me for just saing hmmm i should try that it doesnt make since!
  2. Ok most of you post bad rep on me liek -5 for one post why is that and im just asking if you can add good rep on this topic im -17 lol its funny buy sad cause everyone thinks im dumb or post random stuff {} ps"" i wont be suprised how bad my rep goes downa after this Topic lol it will but idc i just asked..
  3. No... you dont do offers and stuff you just answer kool questions like whats your favorite jean Brand that stuff..
  4. Go to the Youtube Channel then click on the lockerz.com Invites or search it on youtube people will explain
  5. Haha ok man
  6. If you want an invite then Pm me your email so i can send it to you if you dont trust me go make a new eamil then pm me that email adress so PM me if you want one or youtube channel Contact my youtube
  7. Kool i Guess..
  8. I wasnt being racist i said msg me man.... Atleast not on the site im not Racist
  9. I'm doing it to piss off people and for the fun of it.
  10. Hey im going to make a Racist Machinima and i need some [people to be apart of it] i already made a youtube you can msg me on there or reply on this Topic or also contact me on Xbl saying i want to be in the Racist Machinima Gamertag: SoTo HaTeS BNG YOUTUBE: Racist Machinima YC
  11. iTz ok but it did kinda suck when you updated it Wait ODST! WTF!
  12. The girl on your page is guly get a hot chick ******!
  13. o_O is the Staff crying over a -1 its only a number just like you said and its possible your Retard no Offense peaches but wat kind of staff do you have man...????
  14. Dont say no tons of people have done it my friend is going to tell me how when he fidns out but i want to find out now!
  15. If you know how to get around the patch on cod5 Gode MOde reply wtih a tutorial or link ill + REp you
  16. if any 1 wants to know how to put there gamertag and watever heres the code <controller0_gamertag/>
  17. Haha MFone got Bungie Favs doing this
  18. It says Congradulations blah blah blah and then 2 seconds later it says ::nopermission:: WTF! any help
  19. I have no permission!
  20. SoTo GoTz SwaG


    umm ok deehunter i posted now happpy
  21. SoTo GoTz SwaG


    Wow this is stupid not the connection way the posting way
  22. ummm............Ok i guess its pointless to mod it if we did HaZz
  23. Just wanna ask its *OFF TOPIC* why is the title Drivable when its a JetPack?
  24. DANG! **** Activision freaking ruin everything!
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