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Everything posted by .dice♥

  1. .dice♥

    Sin Tag

    http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1119-64.jpg (pentool addict sorry) Rate?
  2. i love this sig 8/10! I useto watch that show everyday:P i watched every episode (almost)!
  3. .dice♥


    haha finally someone says that. i was wondering how long it would take..
  4. .dice♥


    i'm sorry
  5. .dice♥


    Thanks for the feedback =D. I'll know for next time.
  6. .dice♥


    Thanks for being an @ssH#$% he wasent beaing an ass hole he was just saying what he thought of the sig lol i know it wasn't a great sig. but i was just saying what i thot of him lmao
  7. .dice♥


    Thanks for being an @ssH#$%
  8. .dice♥


  9. .dice♥


    Yeah i noticed that.. and thanks =D
  10. .dice♥

    XBOX 360 XSATA

    thats the link for the "XPORT" lol better than the XSATA.. but more money
  11. .dice♥


    Yes its ANOTHER sig by moi! =D http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/985-1.jpg Rate Plz?
  12. .dice♥

    XBOX 360 XSATA

    yes thats true.. but where would i buy it? :S
  13. .dice♥


    =D the responses i wanted to hear.. thanks
  14. .dice♥


  15. .dice♥

    XBOX 360 XSATA

    i Don't feel like spending 50$ =P so i bought a regular SATA cable. and take my hdd apart and connect that way. Cheaper!
  16. Another way to make it rain is to step on a spider lmao
  17. Nice. But looks way too simple. You use to make WAY better sigs... what happened?
  18. oh nice! so this means i'm gonna be in the gfx team for sure?
  19. .dice♥


    V1 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/637-237.jpg V2 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/637-238.jpg Rate Plz! =D
  20. This is for people that want to burn 360 games and not get banned from Live.
  21. i actually bought one of these after i got the 3rol... lol
  22. u can mod any game with content download... but alot of the games don't have programs for that. so if u wanna mod other games... devolop some apps
  23. I LOVE IT! 12/10! Keep up the great work
  24. I'm not sure what it is next to her face neither but i thought it looked cool so
  25. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/368-471.jpg Honestly i don't like this sig... my concept was good but it didn't turn out Rate?
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