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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. um everyone pm you who they think ?
  2. what song is this ?
  3. caratti would probably be happy to do it also
  4. his gamertag is nox13666 or something like that i know its nox also add me my gamertag is snowmon(if you have room
  5. same with for me, i guess google adsense or whatever that is is smart, it takes words from the post and puts advertisements for it ? if not then that is some crazy luck I refreshed and it was talking about Eeve online or something, so was it just pure luck ?
  6. what do you use ? Vegas seems to be able to do almost anything you need, ae can do extra
  7. Thats tight, send me a request next time your on
  8. what do you mean civilian vehicle ?
  9. halomodder he asked how did he get recon and flaming helm ? idk how the answer was no ? but reread plz
  10. oh ya that should be fixed
  11. I really like it, i just wish i could get ipodwizard to work
  12. ya i really liked it
  13. i need a touch screen and i don't need small and compact, and archos is less money for the amount of space you get. so if i'm sitting on an airplane i would be watching a movie i would not care about if it was compact, i would want space (80g or 160g) and very long battery
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