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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. exactly like what ibm did to Microsoft in the 80's which is a big part of the reason MS isnt owned by IBM.
  2. watching this while drunk... oh my god.
  3. theres no denying halo reach is a severely flawed game that doesnt live to any of its predecessors other than odst, which had incredible music but a stupid story and gameplay was retarded; useless silencers...all imo.
  4. the fanboy store called...
  5. nobody wanted it as an easter egg we wanted it to be operable in multiplayer. I already sold my halo though...
  6. rumor was just shot down. IGN confirms
  7. i tried but my calc would go blank and reset. the newer version didnt work and im using ti 84 silver.
  8. i just want the damn guide button to hurry the **** up
  9. bravo! I really liked it. Im not a guitar player but it'd be fun to pick up the guitar my dad bought me ages ago and learn this.
  10. Youre ******* stupid to even be worried about this. Even in the 1 in a zillion chance it happens what changes for you? less porn? this is USA.
  11. They have invisibility cloaks in the beginning stages. Its a special material that bends light around itself instead of reflecting it I saw it in a popsci mag and a wired mag its not perfect yet but it looks pretty bad ass.
  12. i couldnt figure out how to push object away from myself!
  13. all of these are random ******* markings and youre just being overly paranoid of easter eggs.
  14. Cod mw2 sold more units day one. Notice they said
  15. 1 cent per ad wow this is gonna take a while but money is money! Are there any cheats to this?
  16. the pink players name is "it up her ass" lmao
  17. like 000000010?
  18. clearly im playing against a team of highly professional magicians.
  19. actual song is horrible "everybody and their mama's wanted me to die' really?
  20. except they didnt... then it wouldnt be considered settling.
  21. All of you are wrong there were many settler's before Columbus arrived. The Viking, Black Slaves abandoned by the Spaniards that went to Georgia, The Spanish and French who battled in Florida and Even the Dutch who were in Albany all settled before Columbus got to the Americas.
  22. they already said that a majority of people have voted to save Carmine.
  23. where have i seen this before?
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