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Everything posted by subs_55

  1. haha i love that game, TD games ftw. after i beat the high score and it didnt save i gave up with trying again cuz it took forever, but it is sweet.
  2. subs_55

    samus sig

    ok im really not to sure about this one. its ok but i messed up on some things and i just kept screwing with it, then i tried to undo it all but i couldnt go that far back, and i didnt save it at all so i was stuck. but it isnt TOO bad, is it? C&C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25351-128.jpg
  3. that might be a good idea but thats pretty big man. almost twice the original, kinda. maybe like 120 or something like that.
  4. yes i am in canada but it called finals here, well final exams, or finals, or exams w/e dont think it really matters. but i think i did ok on it.
  5. idk man, it looks ok, but kind of awkward. ithink its the colors or maybe the fact that jesus is playing an acustic guitar. i really dont know what to say. oh wait, that one brownish brush that goes up to his head should be moved, or blured or something cuz it looked like his hair if you dont look close enough.
  6. yes its ture, the worst test of em all. the dreded Biology exam. an i got to write it today. after this there isnt a test on earth that can worry me, so far. it just that brutal. wish me, deathgrip, and crazyeights good luck, cuz we are all writing it today and we need some good old fashion luck. thanks
  7. ive got a bio exam today, which is kinda close to science. btw what time zone are you in? cuz you posted this at 5 in the morning in my time zone.
  8. thats pretty sweet,i got a question tho. what happens after you take down a pelican? does the story just stop or do you return to the last checkpoint? or does it just send another one an keep going?
  9. subs_55

    Gone :[

    sounds like good advice, wish i new that eairlier. c ya man hopfully when you get back ill be teh pwnage at GFX (prob not tho XP)
  10. i kinda like that idea, makes it more fair and that way it acctualy means something when you got high rep.
  11. thats pretty sweet. its funny cuz the chief is scratching himself. an its a gravity hammer.
  12. will do man, my msn is funkey_monkey_55@hotmail.com, i can be on for a bit now so... ya I wont be able to get on until like 11 or so. Or we could just wait until tomorrow ok i should be on later tomorow, not late but like 5/6 ish to 9:30, maybe eariler or later hard to tell
  13. i like the idea just i dont like it being needed to be vip id keep it but just make it an add on. also id like an easier way to see ppls rep insted of hovering your mouse over the middle box.
  14. will do man, my msn is funkey_monkey_55@hotmail.com, i can be on for a bit now so... ya the thing is a jem on a necklace i just didnt notice for some reason an neglected to smudge, blur yata yata.
  15. lol yea when i asked for a sig its jsut some one does a sig for me and i do some other crap xD so yea so are you saying that you didnt make these from scratch? if thats so you should ay that when you post it, its kinda mis-leading if you dont.
  16. What are you talking about everyone can see .png Id say its as good as your gow one subs, at least your not going downhill, practice man!!! Your not going to get anarchy skills in a few days, ive been doing it for years and im still nub im well aware that im not going to get amazing over night, but ya know what, that doesnt mean im not going to try damn it. if i can just get that little bit better by asking a question, im guna ask that question. you are also not aware of how much i have done you guys have only seen about 40% of my stuff. i have been testing and practicing and experementing in pretty much all of my free time. its final exams week at my school so its an accomplishment that im doing anything, let alone getting better. dont think im giving up, cuz if you do, your wrong. its just a matter of time before youll accept me into the GFX team. and then who knows what will happen from there.
  17. wow i just notice how bad that thing is, its part of the render. i know what you mean baout the smudging but i wanted to create more of a rough thing going on instend of a simple minded straing line. the smudging wasnt random. and id like to know if its better the the gow one? i need to know if im going in the right direction.
  18. thanks deathgrip, even tho you spelt anime wrong lmao jk man its not biggy haha but seriously thanks i appreciate it.
  19. subs_55

    Kerry King LP

    nice man i wish i could do that. i love the creativity and abtract effects you used. i dont want to rate because it would be prob too high because im not nearly that good so to me its amazing. keep it up. and in my mind you arnt the weekest link of the GFX team i dont think anyone is. if anything it sould be bigger, WAY bigger but offcourse, its my opinion.
  20. ok i think i have made something pretty sweet here and if you see it like i do then i think we will all be pleased. now i want to be ripped apart, i want to know everything that comes to your mind, good and especially bad. i will now present my newest sig: C&C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/24641-166.jpg ignore the white corners and edges they are supost to be transparent EDIT: i fixed the white edges so its all good
  21. as long as im not crazy, you got some talent bro. thats some good stuff. keep it up and maybe we can make this a great GFX team one day. lol no offence to the current team, but im sure you get what im going for.
  22. you could have one of my old ones if ya want. the next one i make i want to be my best so nobodys getting it sorry. you can look at some of my older GFX posts and tell me what ya want other wise i might post something later im jsut kinda busy right now.
  23. wow thats kinda weird. i never really got into gow but i love the campain beside the fact that it was short.
  24. subs_55

    Halo DS

    thats sweet man, kinda odd that bungie would make something with nintendo but w/e. it looks like it was fairly decent
  25. idk man i kinda like it. its a bit rough and i dont like how blurry the lines are. but then again i seam to be the only person on earth who belives that a a brush looks good without blur rapping it or somethin along those lines.
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