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    There have been 91 items by Azraelrs (Search limited from 02-June 23)

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    #113807 Ps3's Day Of Doom

    Posted by Azraelrs on 02 March 2010 - 04:16 AM in Modding

    "We are aware that the internal clock functionality in the PS3 units other than the slim model, recognized the year 2010 as a leap year. Having the internal clock date change from February 29 to March 1 (both GMT), we have verified that the symptoms are now resolved and that users are able to use their PS3 normally."


    PS3: It Only Does Self Resurrection!

    PS3: It's so advanced, it fixes itself. Because it does EVERYTHING.

    Got A Problem? Give it a few hours and it'll fix itself! When's the last time your RROD 360 did that? lol

    Oh... P.S. guys, expect this all to happen on '29th February' 2014, 2018, 2022, and if you managed to make it last that long 2026. But a single lost day of gaming every 4 years surely isn't an issue? At least you won't be waiting on the hardware to be repaired/replaced every 3-4 months...lol.

    Whatever ******* happened to when you had a console and it just worked? Now we have updates ******* up stuff, a weird y2k type bug, and patches so games will run properly.

    I miss the NES, yeah she didn't have vector shaded graphics with a 13 polygon per square inch ratio with day and night real world time weather effects and an internet connection but god dammit, she just ******* worked. At worst I had to blow on it a little...lol

    #113797 RRoD #2? wtf?

    Posted by Azraelrs on 01 March 2010 - 06:14 PM in Help Desk

    i belive a flame war is about to take place

    I hope not. I was just trying to provide info so that maybe he could get a good permanent fix instead of a Band-Aid.

    #113783 Ps3's Day Of Doom

    Posted by Azraelrs on 01 March 2010 - 12:24 PM in Modding

    PS3's all over the world broke at the same time.

    This what happens when you take bad info off of a bad site. What really happened was that PSN was down for a bit yesterday. That's it. SO there is this bad article stating that PS3s were all "broken" at the same time... yeeeahhh. We all know XBL has never went down for maintenance. That was it. Nothing broke, nothing stopped working. There were a few hours where PSN was down.

    But yeah, Microsoft fanboys try whatever they can to try to explain away and rationalize that 62%~73% console failure rate, including trying to sensationalize bad info to try to make anything look as bad as the 360..lol. Good Luck!


    Posted by Azraelrs on 01 March 2010 - 01:06 AM in General Discussion

    I watched curling for ten minuets and then cried myself to sleep because I watch curling for ten minuets. So that's all I know about the Olympics.

    Yeah.... Men's Ice Skating came on one day and I was doing something and not paying attention, but just being in the room with it on for 20 minutes made me feel like I needed to go to my local gay bar.

    #113762 RRoD #2? wtf?

    Posted by Azraelrs on 01 March 2010 - 01:00 AM in Help Desk

    Re-apply the x-clamp? So we can have the same problem again?

    Next time i work on it im gonna check the code, like i always do.

    Sure the x-clamp fix may keep warping it, but if it works why not? lol

    Im gonna check the tightness of bolts, take or add another washer, maybe re-apply the heat sink glue (good stuff this time) and then it should be good.

    edit- Don't tell me the x-clamp fix "doesnt work", because it does. I've fixed a few now, this one being the only trouble.

    Well, I'm gonna tell you... the Xclamp fix doesn't work...no matter what you do with it, it's never a permanent solution. Ever. And each time it reoccurs and you do it over you are just screwing that board over worse and worse. No error in that whole 360 is cause by the X clamps. replacing them is always a cheap temp fix. It helps when there is a short or a bad solder connection, but never fixes the problem, only covers it up for a little while. The factory clamps do a much better job than the screws and washers.

    You haven't "fixed" any of them if you simply did screws and a washers... You just duct taped it for a bit. Just being honest, I do tons of consoles, and sit around and laugh with some repair buddies every time I get one that the previous owner did that to. The general comment is "jesus Christ, I got another one of these screw and washer deals... geeez are they never gonna learn"

    I don't mean any offense, just telling the truth.

    And yes, you can do the screws and washers the proper way and have them work as well as the OG X clamps. Through the cage...

    Screws>cage>metal washer>nylon washer> Board> nylon washer> metal washer> heatsink.

    This of course is only after you've actually repaired the 360.

    Depending on the error code...

    Did you do a low temp oven bake for 6-8 hours to dry the board and unstress it?

    Did you run flux under all chips to clean and renew the solder?

    Did you reflow the chips that were causing the errors?

    ONLY THEN are you ready to put anything back together. If the board sitting on it's own, with power, AV, and an RF board (with a lil Arctic Silver on the chips to prevent immediate overheating) doesn't boot up to the dash just sitting there, you haven't fixed anything. What you are doing is called putting a Band Aid on it.

    BTW, also, if you do use the screws and washers.. Common mistake that ruins lots of 360s... You only ever need to tighten the screws with your fingers. Finger tight is as far as you should ever go, and is as much as is ever needed.

    Just fix it the right way the first time, and it won't happen again. I've done this for a few years now man, just know that if you fix them right, they last a lonnnng time.

    (Again, I'm not bashing you. Just trying to give some accurate info)



    Posted by Azraelrs on 28 February 2010 - 08:41 PM in General Discussion

    Crossed out the sports that suck :)
    Your right, we aren't the best at football, or boxing. But we pwn at winter sports

    LOL, that's because you live in the snow

    #113749 breaking 360

    Posted by Azraelrs on 28 February 2010 - 08:38 PM in Off-Topic

    Isn't when there is horizontal video disturbance mean the connection on the GPU is slowly melting away from the board, and thus soon you will get RROD and E74 error?

    Nah, E74 is vertical, either blotchy or blocky. most likely he's getting interference from a nearby power cord. Try plugging it in a different outlet, and keeping cords clear just to test. horizontal lines are dirty power or interference almost always.


    Posted by Azraelrs on 28 February 2010 - 08:35 PM in General Discussion

    How about we have 14 gold medals, which is a WORLD RECORD
    pwned :p

    No, no, no... I meant actual sports.. like baseball, basketball, football, soccer, boxing, etc...

    #113744 RRoD #2? wtf?

    Posted by Azraelrs on 28 February 2010 - 08:32 PM in Help Desk

    okay, my xbox killed itself a couple months ago. i had no warranty left. i ended up fixing it maybe a moth ago/ i removed the x clamps re-did the paste yata yata, and it worked fine. until yesterday that is.

    i got RRoD again and i am wondering if i can fix it. is it possible to just crack it open again and tighten the screws or re apply the paste? or something? would the penny trick fix it? or am i ******?

    I suggest, being me, that you first get the secondary error and then post it here and I can give you a better answer on how to fix it the right way...

    Hopefully you have kept the X Clamps so you can fix it properly and get rid of the screws and washers.

    #113742 breaking 360

    Posted by Azraelrs on 28 February 2010 - 08:25 PM in Off-Topic

    I'm getting a 360 too! Actually, I'm getting 12 this week! Yay for me!

    @Quinn, check your cables, and check everything for interference.


    Posted by Azraelrs on 28 February 2010 - 08:24 PM in General Discussion

    LOL, the first time Canada has ever been 1st at anything... Any other sports you Canadians excel at?

    #113581 Xbox Case Modding Help

    Posted by Azraelrs on 21 February 2010 - 11:30 PM in Help Desk

    sure but i don't have $70 dollars on something that i don't like. but if is safer than ill buy one :|

    Shouldn't cost you $70...lol I believe the cut-able LED boards are around $10. and you can buy lots of LEDs on Ebay pretty cheap. Since it is pretty much just plugging them in, so it is safer all around than soldering to the board(s).

    #113552 Xbox Case Modding Help

    Posted by Azraelrs on 21 February 2010 - 01:27 PM in Help Desk

    so i want to mod my xbox 360.
    i have the materials for the mod.
    i saw this video on how to mod you xbox 360 with leds
    i watched both videos. now i want to know where to solder the negative and positive wires to
    please help

    this is my xbox now
    Posted Image

    I don't understand why you would do anything like this ridiculous video. If you want to do the ROL, you just solder new LEDs where the the old ones were. If you want to run LEDs around and in the 360 you just buy an LED stick from places like extreme-mods and put what color LEDs you want in the sticks and cut and form them where you want. They plug into the fan plug and require no soldering to the 360.

    I don't understand. Some advice..

    99% of anything you see on youtube having anything to do with modding/repairing your 360 is garbage, and should never be done, ever by anyone with common sense.

    #113539 campaign save download

    Posted by Azraelrs on 21 February 2010 - 09:09 AM in H3 Modding

    Hey so can some1 test this campaign save for me? Nothing that special, just a test. If I can get this to work i will be releasing a lot more saves ;) I spoffed the mac to all the upercase "A"s just like any other save. Idk if i need to do anything else, and also can you tell me what works like what you see modded? Ok thanks :thumbsup:

    Idk why there is only the save in there, sorry i fixed it
    Here is the dl link: campaign save test fixed

    Also here is how to test the save if you don't know how: read at the top

    Um, did you mean to leave all of you info in the file?

    I can take this and put your profile on my 360 and use your account (and subsequently any CC or MSP you have on there too). You also didn't change anything on the save itself, so all your info is on it. If you would like I can anon the values and give it back to you so you can re-up. Please be careful when doing things like this, unless this is purely a dummy account with no value. There are people in the world who wouldn't be quite so honest about it and you may get some unpleasant surprises if one gets a hold of this.

    Also, since you listed this on se7ensux also, you may wish to ****** it back down. That place is filled with 90% scammers and thieves. Watch your stuff man...

    #113537 Design your own Xbox 360

    Posted by Azraelrs on 21 February 2010 - 08:35 AM in General Discussion

    I take it you've never took apart an Xbox 360 before, or you haven't read that these consoles come with 1 year warranty. Unless you meant paint your console while its fully assembled, which is stupid.

    Umm, no I haven't ever taken a 360 apart before. How do you do it? I'm so lost.

    Like This?

    (this was just me bored one afternoon)

    With a blue ROL with a white power icon/light, Blue fans, UV coating so it glows under a blacklight, etc?

    I could never do that. Hell, i'm not sure I could even get the case off.

    I will take it that you aren't aware that 360s cost around $5~$20 and paint, clear coat, and supplies cost around $20... so I can make a better looking one that will last longer than your year warranty for $25. Damn I'm stupid.

    #113504 Design your own Xbox 360

    Posted by Azraelrs on 20 February 2010 - 01:02 PM in General Discussion

    Wayyyy too much money for that. Do you know how easy it is to paint yours and make it look even better than this?

    #113436 Aeiiiii, things are dying

    Posted by Azraelrs on 19 February 2010 - 08:45 AM in General Discussion

    Adaptation. It's that simple honestly. Halo is done (sorry, but it's true.. Bungie has started pushing Halo like it is Activision) The coolness effect is gone. You have to adapt to what the "kids" are into these days to stay afloat. It's a constantly changing scene. You change with the times or you get left behind. It's sad but true. You need to be the latest and greatest or you just... won't be. And you need to get/do/accomplish something before everyone else. The Bioshock 2 mods are already out. You guys working on Mass Effect 2? No? Anybody got ahold of Final Fantasy 13 to mod it? No? Still on Halo? Bad. You gotta get that something. Just something to put you ahead to survive. If not, sadly... you're doomed.

    I'm not saying focusing on certain things is bad, but when you become over focused, you lose appeal, and people will wander to where they can find everything you have and more at one place. Attention spans are dwindling. If you can't provide everything everyone is looking for, they WILL go elsewhere.

    *PS* I'm not saying Reach won't sell tons of copies. It will. But I think it's becoming more like Madden/NBA Live/FIFA. They come out every year and still millions of people pay to play the same game they have been playing for years. You aren't gonna buy Reach to see if it's a new game. You're going to buy it to see what has improved. (this comment was not factual. It was an opinion. Go ahead and put your torches out)

    #113376 Aeiiiii, things are dying

    Posted by Azraelrs on 17 February 2010 - 09:36 PM in General Discussion

    My name is Quinn and I approve of this post

    My name is Az and I approve of Quinn's approval of that post.

    In all seriousness.... Like Peaches said. The whole thing is a fad. No reason to hold info unless you just wanna wait til it's useless. In 5 years noone will even know that any of us ever existed. They'll be a whole new set hacking their Xbox 720s and PS4... so.. just go with the flow.

    #113358 Aeiiiii, things are dying

    Posted by Azraelrs on 17 February 2010 - 07:58 PM in General Discussion


    I just love it who people like unknown do things, and jester, the game tuts kiddie takes credit and shows off

    EDIT: and I can think of things to save this issue, but alot involve being a total dick, which doesn't solve the problem(things like some ddos wars, or withholding information when the next great modifiable game comes out)

    There a lots of means to an end, but generally these things take care of themselves. In the time period I myself have been around, I have seen the rise and fall of 360gs(closed communities don't work anymore), XSS (that is the result of DOS wars, and holding information),and numerous other small sites... tons of small sites.

    The things you have to remember is that most sites are just straight leaches of others. In the beginning they were all taking 360gs work and spreading it, then XSS, and now I can go almost anywhere and see my hard work with credit taken (Ex.. maxconsoles, xploder,se7ensins, 360iso) but it doesn't matter because I know where all that came from. I know who made lots of those saves everyone loves. So, just keep doing what you do. Don't worry about the scammers and the pretenders because over the years I've watched countless "copy" sites fall. And it will happen eventually to all the rest. Don't sink to their level and you will rise above.

    #113352 Aeiiiii, things are dying

    Posted by Azraelrs on 17 February 2010 - 06:50 PM in General Discussion

    2. Some things shouldn't be released (jesters live safe kernel patches anyone?)

    The only issue with that is that if you don't want people to know or you don't want to share, you should never tell anyone about it.

    #113350 Aeiiiii, things are dying

    Posted by Azraelrs on 17 February 2010 - 04:52 PM in General Discussion

    Is this a goodbye? Either way, it's a well written speech. First time in a long time that is actually punctually sound.

    Edit: Just noticed you asked a question...

    I don't see it happening. There are people out there that want to control how information is released publicly, which leads to people selling knowledge, stolen sources, etc. Se7ensins seems to house a good 90% of the problem, as well as those (few) sites (that remain,) that just leech right from other sites.

    I've settled my differences with the people who horde knowledge, but they know who they are. I was one of the first to step out in the open by "leaking" private applications and knowledge, and got bashed for it. I doubt this has anything to do with me, but because of my ego, I believe that I was part of the start of all of this.

    I was Administrator here, Blue Shadowz, Rogue-Mods, Gold Star Modders and a few other sites with staff, but all that remains is Blue Shadowz, the rest are all dead except iBotModz, while I was demoted here. People said "I was iBotModz", but I doubt that, it's still kind of here, but much less active. My site is more content oriented and costs next to nothing to run, so I don't really judge it.

    In my own opinion, everyone should avoid his opinion for 4. Saying things gets you flamed, banned, threatened, etc. I doubt most of you can handle all the stress generated by the ignorance of the few who believe that hoarding knowledge is to "better" the community.

    When sites like Se7ensins die, (I guess theres really only a couple left), the community might be able to come back.

    Sadly places like that will not die easily. I see it more and more. Everyone who joins a site now believes they are "entitled" to everything with no contribution. It is annoying and irritating beyond belief.

    #113328 360 Evolution Released!

    Posted by Azraelrs on 16 February 2010 - 09:41 PM in Programs

    And again... Slip took credit for all my hard work.. bastard.

    #113231 E71 change into 0022

    Posted by Azraelrs on 14 February 2010 - 12:34 PM in Help Desk

    Bear with me, as this will sound 150% ridiculous. Take all the plastic case off the 360, and lay the 360 on its side. Now get the biggest fan around and put it on top of the 360. Now turn it on and see if anything happens. You could also try filling one of those mega sized zip lock backs with ice and putting it under the 360. If it still doesn't work, then its not a heat issue. (You were looking for "alternative trains of thought" xD)

    Umm, yes... but alternative trains of thought that might actually work Quinn...lol

    #113218 E71 change into 0022

    Posted by Azraelrs on 14 February 2010 - 03:23 AM in Help Desk

    Do you know what happened to the xbox prior to you gaining it?

    I think there is something underyling that I'm trying to piece together.

    and its a Xenon, so let me go check some stuff.

    Yeah, Xenon, and no, most of the time I buy them in bulk from around $5 each. I don't really care about the actual console as the parts I can strip more than cover the cost... I'm just one of those people who wants to figure it out. I have never seen that happen before. It shows up with E71... so I hold down the sync button turn it on. IT boots for a very long time and switches to 0022.Usually you can change slide it into a different error after you've opened it, or jarred something loose or tightened too hard, those are easy (example... you can easily get 0020 while doing an Xclamp fix. If you start with 0102 or something simple and you even slightly tighten the CPU heat sink too much, it'll make contact with a resistor to the right of the CPU and you'll see a nice 0020, loosen it and it'll go away.. fixes 75% of 0020 after a clamp replacement)

    Regardless... this one is out there.. and bothering me because it makes 0 sense
    How do you cause a hardware error by holding a button to clear a software issue? That is the question.

    #113215 E71 change into 0022

    Posted by Azraelrs on 13 February 2010 - 10:58 PM in Help Desk

    Well it is a good idea to put a small ammount of insulation on the caps and buttons if you have an oven that isn't always acurate. The caps shouldn't go over 212F. Btw the stuff on xbox-experts isn't by Wilhelm realy, its taken off of xboxscene and the rest is from other people's success.

    I know where it comes from...lol I been around a loooooong time. Nobody has an actual answer for this particular issue. If you google it you can find other people have had the same issue, but there are no solutions.