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    ILIKETURTLES♥'s Content

    There have been 159 items by ILIKETURTLES♥ (Search limited from 28-June 23)

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    #38454 (HELP) Need Help With My 360!

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 07 August 2008 - 08:51 AM in Help Desk

    Its probley really dusty inside, my tray wouldent open eather so i opened up the case and it was really dusty, i just blew all the dust out and it works fine now. If you dont want to void the warrenty just send it into microsoft.

    #41762 .MAP Resigner?

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 25 August 2008 - 01:30 AM in Help Desk

    Ok maybe this will help you, It was posted by Eazy B on *****

    "Modified XEX

    The Xbox 360's games are written in a format that is very similar to a PC. The game files are stored in a directory, and have .dll files as libraries as well as an executable, much like a computer. Although, instead of .exe files these are called .Xex files, aka Xenon Execuables. These files are specially compiled by Microsoft Xbox 360 SDK, and are illegal to distribute as they contain copyrighted code. You may be asking, what does this have to do with Halo 3 modding? Well, When you select a map in the mainmenu, the executable for Halo 3 uses the RSA public key for the .map files, to verify that they are unmodified. If the files are unmodified, the XeX allows the map to be loaded. Otherwise, the Xex will not allow the map to be loaded and will result in a 'You have failed to load the map' error. Anthony, Xenon/Detox, and Kornman have gotten around this by mapping out the Halo 3 XEX file, and removed the check, in PowerPC based Assembly Language. This allows them to load any map files.

    Real Time Memory Editing
    This method has been described very briefly before, so I will try to clarify it as much as possible. A development kit is capable of running two processes at once, one being the current Title and the other being the network debug monitor. Xenon/Detox realized this and decided to use it to his advantage until he created a modified XeX. In this method, the XeDK ( Xenon Development Kit) loads an unmodified version of Halo 3. The player then goes into an unmodified .map file, and begins gameplay. Now remember, a XeDK can run two processes at once. Xenon used this to his advantage by writing a program to send commands through the network to his XeDK. He would mod his map on PC, and tell his XeDK to 'synchronize' with the PC version of his map. The PC would send these changes over the network and would be reflected immediately ingame. This is where the term, Real Time Halo is coined from.

    Section 2 - Xbox 360 Development Kits ( XeDK )
    Both of the above methods require one to have an XeDK, this is because an XeDK can boot in-progress games aka XeX files. For method 1, the user will simply transfer their modified XEX to the Halo 3 section of their XeDK or Dvd, and run the game on the XeDK. Method 2 requires an XeDK because retail units do not have network debug capabilities.

    Some common misconceptions are:
    the 'Hybrid' Xbox 360 : This was a term coined in the early stages of modding when it was believed Microsoft would bring trouble to any one thought to possess an XeDK.
    the Demo Kit: The Demo Kit is one of many types of Xbox 360 Development setups. Some of the most common set ups for these are:
    1. the Demo Kit
    2. The Reviewer's Kit
    3. The Testing/Debug Kit
    4. The Development Kit

    All debug hardware offers the functionality required for Halo 3 modding. None of these kits can access Xbox LIVE service, They access a service called XePartnerNet.

    It is recomended that you DO NOT purchase these items, as there are many additional software tools required to mod Halo 3, and it is a waste of hardware for actual developers and people who have legitimate other uses for them.

    Section 3 - Why This isnt Possible on Retail
    At this point the question may be coming into your mind, ' Why cant we just Resign the maps like Halo 2?'. Halo 2's .Map files were protected via a CRC Checksum. This is basically a string of hex written to the file telling the game what the files signature should come out to be. Halo 3 has a much stronger form of protection on the maps called RSA. This is a method of encryption/signing a file based on two keys. One of these is the public key, and the other the private key. Each key has a different function. The key we can access, the public key, is used for verifying a file is unmodified. The private key, which only bungie has, is used for signing/encrypting the files to be verified by the public key. This key is an RSA 2048 bit key, mathmatically designed to be impossible to crack in our lifetimes, thus raising the need for a method of bypassing it."

    Once again this was posted by Eazy B not me

    #41675 .MAP Resigner?

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 24 August 2008 - 03:02 PM in Help Desk

    Research RSA 2048, thats what is stopping us, we cant crack it. Not even the worlds most powerful super computer can crack it. Unless someone at bungie leaks the key we can not .map mod ( without a devkit). Even if we did get it we would still need the key the signing algorithm

    #48000 @#%$ ALL U DAMN BITCHES

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 11 October 2008 - 01:46 PM in Off-Topic


    Bad words burn my ears

    Also.... i love you

    #39470 A sad day for humanity

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 11 August 2008 - 11:38 AM in Off-Topic

    All t3h blacks peoples are dieing Issac hayes just died

    #38967 A sad day for humanity

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 09 August 2008 - 04:50 PM in Off-Topic

    NOOOOOO, Bernie Mac died

    "Actor/comedian Bernie Mac passed away this morning from complications due to pneumonia in a Chicago area hospital,"

    #38923 All Halo 3 Mods (450+ Mods)

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 09 August 2008 - 01:21 PM in Mods


    #46690 Amazing Yu-Gi-Oh! cards!

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 03 October 2008 - 07:48 PM in Off-Topic


    #45153 Anybody wanna...

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 20 September 2008 - 08:57 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Umm what are we doing? I'll see if i can get Kenburn to film it, my GT is xpargas

    #48093 Anybody wanna...

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 11 October 2008 - 10:47 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Maybe it because you keep switching the dates, people kind of loose interest

    #47365 Are These Parts ALL Completely Compatible?

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 06 October 2008 - 11:27 PM in Help Desk

    No offense, but no one is going to go through all these and make sure they are compatable. You could do the exact same thing one of us would do, by yourself.

    well i did

    Yes they are all compatable, just make sure you have enough toom on your motherboard for all that stuff

    #45661 Assembly etc

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 26 September 2008 - 03:32 PM in Help Desk

    i thought it was released with the update once again is it free and how do u download it im problaly sounding like a nub right now but my xbox is being repaired so im kinda confused lmao

    It has not been released, bungie hasnt said anything about them being released so we dont know.

    #45685 Assembly etc

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 26 September 2008 - 06:37 PM in Help Desk

    they are releasing it what do u think it means when achievments have uve... or you need... on sandbox landfall etc.

    I know they are releaseing them i ment we dont know know when they will come out

    #44861 banned for almost ten thousnd years from xbox live

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 17 September 2008 - 09:25 AM in General Discussion

    LOLOLOL thats scar's account from 7sins, yea its real it was banned because it was flashed and he did some gamesaves

    #44353 banned for almost ten thousnd years from xbox live

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 12 September 2008 - 04:16 PM in General Discussion

    ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    wait what are we supposed to be looking at?

    If your permabanned it will say dec. 31 9999, i had one of my flashed consoles banned because i didnt update the firmware.

    #37908 barriers

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 04 August 2008 - 04:10 AM in H3 Modding

    They are under Bloc they are called wall_l, wall_m,wall_xl,wallxxl,wallxxxl ,those are the sizes

    #44724 BaTMaYNe MoDDeD MaP PaCK PaRT 1

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 15 September 2008 - 08:12 PM in H3 Modding

    Not tring to be mean but those dont look very good, I dont understand why people just add mods to a map and expect it to be any better, the first one you just added clones and a couple turrents, that doesnt make it a playable mod its just a ship with unnessicary mods. why not just keep it unmodded (if you even made the map)

    #47607 chuck norris jokes

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 08 October 2008 - 01:52 PM in Off-Topic

    Chuck Norris once got his ass kicked by Bruce Lee


    #47439 chuck norris jokes

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 07 October 2008 - 01:37 PM in Off-Topic

    Chuck norris jokes havnt been funy scince like 2005

    #48717 Click here for lulz

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 15 October 2008 - 01:42 AM in Off-Topic

    cant read it

    Do yoknow how to zoom in?
    hold ctrl and the scroll wheel on your mouse

    #48708 Click here for lulz

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 14 October 2008 - 11:54 PM in Off-Topic

    Posted Image

    #42566 Complete Gametype Whitepapers

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 29 August 2008 - 02:25 PM in H3 Modding


    Please don't link to other sites.

    #41522 Construct .map mod & Container edits v2(Download)

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 23 August 2008 - 11:36 AM in H3 Modding

    How the @#%$ do you have a .map resigner if we dont have the Private key, lier

    What are you tring to make noob think your cool

    #46459 controler mods

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 02 October 2008 - 03:35 AM in Help Desk

    Do you mean for the ring of light? Those are SMDs not LEDs and you can only put 4

    If you want to put in leds you would have to get a clear controller case so you can see them, im sure you can find a tutorial someware, look on llamma.com or xboxscene

    #44799 Demonoid.com

    Posted by ILIKETURTLES♥ on 16 September 2008 - 06:13 PM in General Discussion

    Hey i know this is old but does anyone have an invite? i need to download a couple games.
