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    There have been 20 items by bladedog26 (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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    #29233 Do the con resginers work ATM

    Posted by bladedog26 on 30 June 2008 - 07:12 PM in H3 Modding

    do they? OR did bungie ban the keys used for the resigner? Just asking, cause when I try and mod, I'm able to load the map, but can't see the actual item or the item I replaced. If they do still work, could you guys maybe help me out a bit?
    Here's what I'm doing.

    Extracted the warehouse.map
    Opened it up in johnson1.4
    extracted my usermap.
    Opened it up in HXD hex editor.
    Found the item and replaced it with a monitor.
    Rehased the map.
    Resigned the map.
    Put it back onto my 360.
    Loaded the map.
    Failed to see the actual item OR the modded item.
    Can you please tell me, (If I did) what I did wrong? Tell me also if I'm doing everything right. I've modded halo 2, and my gamerscore for awhile.

    #29257 Do the con resginers work ATM

    Posted by bladedog26 on 30 June 2008 - 08:04 PM in H3 Modding

    *Moved to H3 Modding

    Uhm, did you make sure that you took the identifier from the correct section? Cause as of right now the resigners still work. Otherwise maps signed by these KeyVaults wouldn't work anymore.

    Ahh, no... That's probably what it is, how do I find the identifier in HXD or what's a hex editor that shows the identifier? ORRR Do I use the identifier that it gives me in johnson1.4? Sorry to ask so many questions... I just got started on modding, and as soon as I figure that out, I want to be able to help the community. Ganna try and learn C++ (I know VB, So I feel stupid right now. XD)

    #29664 Forge tricks.

    Posted by bladedog26 on 01 July 2008 - 01:40 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Here's some forge tricks for you to learn.

    Putting stuff in the air:

    Just put an item of the height you want, put the item you want to float, on the item you just put down, Delete the first item, and your item is floating in the air.

    Putting stuff in the air at your own angle:

    Hold what you want in the air, how you want it, then save the game, end the game, and start again, your item should be floating in the air.

    Run time min/max:

    If you want oh say, a fusion coil to respond right after it explodes, press X either on it, or in the menu, 2 times... You should come up with a menu with the options for these:
    Placed on map (Number here)
    Run-Time minimum (Number here)
    Run-Time maximum (Number here)
    Maximum allowed (Number here) (Usually 16)
    Total cost (Number here)

    Then just set the run-time minimum to the highest and the run time maximum to the lowest. They should be the same, and your instant responding fusion coil responds faster then the speed of light!

    Putting objects inside each other:

    So set one object you want to be put together (Or more), then with that object(s), hit X, and where it says "Spawn at start" put that to "NO" then set the respond rate as high as 180 (Thats what I do, not necessary). Now, restart the round, but remember where you put that object, when your round has begun again, place another object where your object WAS, then either wait for it to respond, or do the run time maximum minimum trick. There, now you can stick inside each other.

    Putting objects in the ground:

    So put down the object you want in the ground, then put something that ABSOLUTELY will not move around all four sides, then put something like doors on the top, or just make sure it goes into the object you want in the ground, then, when you've done all that, click "A" On the object, it should start going in the ground, repeat untill it's where you want it.

    Hope you like these tutorials!

    If you've got anymore tricks that aren't in here, post, and I'll put it up.

    #30450 Shade's Resigner

    Posted by bladedog26 on 03 July 2008 - 09:36 PM in Programs

    On vista it looks uber. Too bad I run XP. Whats big and small icon for?

    and the checkbox next to the profile ID mean?

    Nice post. +REP.

    Ahaha trust me, you don't want vista. I have it, and it can't run some programs that I now have to run on my moms comp (Like programming programs.) Just get the vista look for your comp!

    #30466 Shade's Resigner

    Posted by bladedog26 on 03 July 2008 - 10:25 PM in Programs

    Woah b****, get out the way, get out the way b****, a new resigner is here!

    Ahaha love that song.
    Anyway, forgot to thank you for the share, so thanks!

    #30516 <<Valhalla>> Tags

    Posted by bladedog26 on 04 July 2008 - 03:04 AM in H3 Modding

    Hey, nice post.
    Would you mind if I add these to my program? I'll just make it go to the links.
    Anyway, could you make one for epithaph? Cause I need the shield doors for it.
    Keep it up! ^^

    #30868 my program

    Posted by bladedog26 on 05 July 2008 - 04:04 PM in H3 Modding

    Lol, I'm sorry, but just get your tags off of john, and if your smart, you should also try slipstreams tag program. It's stickied.

    #31071 Forge tricks.

    Posted by bladedog26 on 06 July 2008 - 01:35 AM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Hey, why was this moved to campaign, and glitches, when this is infact forging?

    #31775 ??WTFFFFF?? Warning *BAD LANGUAGE*

    Posted by bladedog26 on 08 July 2008 - 02:35 AM in H3 Modding

    I'm sorry, this just looks to photoshoped... :/
    Lol, if not then thats hilarious, and nice find.

    #31780 <<Cold Storage>> Tag List

    Posted by bladedog26 on 08 July 2008 - 02:49 AM in H3 Modding

    thanks man, your pimpin on this s***!

    #39859 if your computer is running slow

    Posted by bladedog26 on 13 August 2008 - 11:02 AM in Computers

    Hey, this is a tutorial on how to make it run faster, by cleaning the hardware.

    Can of air
    Screw driver

    Ok, open up your computer with the screwdriver (Not your monitor)
    and then, very carefully, take the can of air, and blow it around where the dust is.
    Get it all to one spot, then just take all that dust, and bring it out.
    There, now turn your computer on (You'll notice it's more quite.), and it's running faster.

    Hope this helps. :)

    #39975 if your computer is running slow

    Posted by bladedog26 on 13 August 2008 - 09:08 PM in Computers

    Ahaha, thanks. :) Glad you liked it.

    #39983 Vista Side Bar! (Read Sub Title)

    Posted by bladedog26 on 13 August 2008 - 09:31 PM in Programs

    Nice but are all theese rumors about vista being worse than XP true?

    Some ways it's better, some ways it's worse. :p

    #40061 if your computer is running slow

    Posted by bladedog26 on 14 August 2008 - 10:45 AM in Computers

    Yeah, thanks guys. :) Glad you all like it, now for everyone that needs a can of air, it's pretty easy to find.
    Just go to your local big store (Lmao) and ask where you can find compressed air, or can of air. ( (For stupid ones.)DO NOT USE IN YOUR MOUTH!)
    It's normally 6-4$ in usa money, but it's worth it. If the store doesn't have it, ask where you might find one. :)

    #54135 Nxe Avatars

    Posted by bladedog26 on 27 November 2008 - 11:23 AM in Xbox

    I forgot I could use HTML in the replacement for my bbcode. :(

    That made it easier.

    Thanks Sniper and Smokiest. Look in SPAM section for my test topic

    LMAO Yeah, HTML makes it a lot easier. <3

    #81090 360-Reality

    Posted by bladedog26 on 12 April 2009 - 06:29 PM in Programs

    Nice man, I will use this. I think you should add a screen shot though of halo 3 side.

    Will try this out later.

    #81091 Halo Tool Box

    Posted by bladedog26 on 12 April 2009 - 06:35 PM in Programs

    Uhh looks nice, but why a video? Really? If they need help setting up a simple AIO, which makes it easy for the already, well then their either high, or will not learn how to mod for a good year.

    #81178 Halo 2 AIO (112 Unique Programs)

    Posted by bladedog26 on 13 April 2009 - 04:36 AM in Programs

    Wow, how long did it take you to make this? Will try a mod again. :3

    #81281 How to make Modded discs

    Posted by bladedog26 on 13 April 2009 - 03:46 PM in Tutorials

    Oh wow, thanks man! :)

    Peaches, once again, you stun me. x3

    #81509 I won a contest...

    Posted by bladedog26 on 14 April 2009 - 04:52 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Blade 1317

    Just incase a VIP doesn't. ^^