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    GhettoYeti32's Content

    There have been 143 items by GhettoYeti32 (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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    #22231 Locked

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 12 June 2008 - 08:35 PM in H3 Modding

    who would give some1 who doesnt know how 2 mod a resigner???????????????

    Teabagger Shut the _@#%$ up dude u have peaches on ur DISrespect list u should get _@#@$@%@ banned and i bet U dont know how to use it either!!!!

    #22319 Modding Con Resigner (Need To Know Info)

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 13 June 2008 - 12:15 AM in H3 Modding

    exactly what is the con resigner??

    1 word... n00b.
    Sorry, but who doesn't know what a con resigner is?

    your a n00b also, u claimed that you could make projectile swaps.

    Teabagger shut the fu_ck up k? projectile swaps ARE POSSIBLE offline. u dont know anything and u have PEACHES on ur DISRESPECT LIST! u @#%$_ing ****** go kill ur self.....
    And ya Shotspartin fu_ck bungie i say its a good plan. i dont care if i get modded in MM i just dont want my acc H4cked


    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 24 June 2008 - 11:03 AM in H3 Modding

    OOOOHHHH i remember cloaking but not vortex ill check youtube.


    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 23 June 2008 - 08:46 PM in H3 Modding

    Hold up! WTF are the cloaking and vortex powerups??? and im still wondering how that guy did that crazy rainbow power drainer

    #14789 New Last Resort Mod

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 12 May 2008 - 04:21 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    U dont know that and Isolation is on Lt Bosos file share also

    #22322 Want Your Map Resigned?

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 13 June 2008 - 12:19 AM in H3 Modding

    Ya this snow u want doesnt seem possible. i dont know it might be under scenery...

    #22027 Want Your Map Resigned?

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 12 June 2008 - 09:48 AM in H3 Modding

    Dang but it would still be cool to have them sitting there. I hope I can download this. Also, Is there a map with tons of davinci egg things yet?

    Well i have a map with a troop hog seat. and yes theres one with like 300 and i have one with like 100 eggz. msg me on live and ill show u them. my gamertag is BowVice52

    #10844 Pictures of the new Rats Nest Mod

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 05 April 2008 - 12:22 AM in H3 Modding

    Theres already supposed to be modded maps with flyable pelicans by NateDog333. i got it but either i cant use it on a not modded 360 or it doesnt work. theres also a Snowy STANDOFF that doesnt work.

    #22385 Want Your Map Resigned?

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 13 June 2008 - 10:22 AM in H3 Modding

    What do u mean water? like the water under the map?

    #21911 Want Your Map Resigned?

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 11 June 2008 - 10:41 PM in H3 Modding

    No the troop hogs just the seats. And ya phantom stuff looks cool i saw it once from far away in a pic.

    #17367 I want YOUR suggestions!

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 26 May 2008 - 05:59 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Hey...this is a great idea.

    First i wanna see:

    -A phantom
    -An extra tower in sandtrap
    -And some missile pod turrets on sandtrap!


    1.Phantom is impossible unless its in the .con file (very unlikely) 2. The towers mite be possible kinda like the waterfall on Construct 3. The missile pod turret on Sandtrap is only possible on sum maps i think (like shades are only on snowbound and guardian)

    #17468 I want YOUR suggestions!

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 26 May 2008 - 10:02 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    I was just tellin him. its not like i was mean....and i never in any of those said they were impossible for sure

    #17172 I want YOUR suggestions!

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 25 May 2008 - 11:47 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Ok well blackout, i have a bunch of grenades setup to be swapped with that smoke coming out the top of the air lift, flags, skulls/bombs(either), fire, and more basketball hoops....if u like it contact me BowVice52 i already hav the setup

    #21913 Maps I Made (All Unreleased)

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 11 June 2008 - 10:46 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    He hasnt released HIS halo wars yet. the one ur thinkin of is someone elses

    #22116 Any modders banned? Yep.

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 12 June 2008 - 02:56 PM in H3 Modding

    Bungies so fricken gay sometimes i swear

    #12754 And you said we couldn't mod maps.

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 21 April 2008 - 09:39 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Hells yes ill go to Germany! Beer weed and sex.... but mostly for the dev-kit cough cough

    #13321 And you said we couldn't mod maps.

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 26 April 2008 - 09:22 AM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Can everybody here shut up?

    You guys are never going to play this map because it was done on a dev kit. That means unless you can get a dev kit, somehow get them to trust you and give their programs to you, you can't play their mods. They aren't being selfish so shut up.

    How the hell do YOU know it was done on a dev-kit??? Ur the one who needs to shut up dumbass. maybe it was but still U never know. and we only say theyre selfish cuz they dont giv us many mods

    #21416 flooded avalench

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 10 June 2008 - 08:39 PM in H3 Modding

    WTF r the little cube and triangle things ambiO?

    #24318 Bungie Day/Halo 3 Birthday

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 17 June 2008 - 11:41 PM in H3 Modding

    Tite idea man. props


    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 09 June 2008 - 10:17 AM in Halo 3 / ODST

    OH SNAP GOOD IDEA- sum1 make a pic mod with the gold hog picture on it and write "Bring back Headlong WITH the Gold Hog!" or something.......just an idea


    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 08 June 2008 - 10:53 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Haha FINALLY ive hoped for this for ever. i want it remade with an ACTUAL gold hog

    #13009 Weapon Of Choice?

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 23 April 2008 - 09:56 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    WTF!!! thats hella tite! but what are the flames coming out of???

    #10842 Modded Narrows

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 05 April 2008 - 12:07 AM in H3 Modding

    No im really sry i dont but ill keep lookn

    #10854 Modded Narrows

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 05 April 2008 - 09:07 AM in H3 Modding

    I know i HAD a modded Narrows but it could have been fake.

    #10838 Modded Narrows

    Posted by GhettoYeti32 on 04 April 2008 - 11:39 PM in H3 Modding

    Ok a couple weeks ago (3 or 4) i was checkin 4 mods on bungie.net. i found one on Narrows, found sum1 with it on a file share, and downloaded. But when i booted it up i was sad when there seemed to be no mods but i didnt look long. i was wondering if anyone else saw it? sry 4 long post.