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Everything posted by 360

  1. No wrong it starts with a c
  2. Ok, so a bunch of people here know me as the "Typical *********/Complete Bitch" and i would completely agree with all the people that think I am, My behaviors back in the days were effortless. Some of you may have had the idea of who I really was over the past year and a half, It was quite obvious of who I really was because of my immaturity and stupidity, and constantly flaming other members and cheating, but a few years before that year and half I was just another user. I came here from se7ensins I believe. I really joined in October 2006 but on the profile it says October 8th, 2008. I want to see who the first person to guess who I am is, so here is some information about my old account. (Still active/accessible not banned and most likely won't ever be banned) (For some reason I guess the administrators had trouble banning me, I had no control over anything, they say they banned me billions of times but it never worked, not even fattwam or peaches. Anyway just look at the information below to see if you can find out who I really am) I acted like a little immature,bitchy,and annoying kid, I constantly flamed other members back when they flamed me about copying and pasting posts from other sites, I had around 200 posts but none are here all have been deleted, My User name consists of 7 letters and it starts with a c oh and I received my first suspension by Dark Slipstream for Copyright Infringement. And I had several accounts all seven letters and 1 number...the numbers are in order on the member list right now I had 1 account with 7 letters, one account with seven letters and the number 1, and another account with seven letters and the number 2. And that's all the information I will list here. I just want to see if anyone can find out who I really am.
  3. yea i understand and yes it only takes 5-7 seconds max but i just thought it would be worth it to change a few things around i understand the risks and have taken many risks with windows and half the time understand what im doing but i might have a few ideas to how i might change this but then again they might not work, oh well worth the risk.
  4. Ok, I am pretty sure everybody knows how to change the windows 7 logon screen but that isnt what im talking about, im talking about the windows 7 boot/splash screen that looks like this. http://www.washington.k12.mo.us/schools/frcc/it/windows7_beta_boot_screen.png yea that one and not the logon screen. I know its possible to edit or change the boot screen but how would i do such a thing? I understand it would be hard....maybe but how would i modify the letters of "Starting Windows"? or possibly even the whole animation. im not sure if i were to download a boot screen that is compatible with vista such as the ones on deviantart would work with a windows 7 os but maybe. does anyone know how to edit the entire animation or just the letters of the windows 7 boot/splash or whatever you want to call it screen? i know for a fact there has to be a way to edit it, and i dont care if i have to through a program or manually but i sure would like it if i could do it manually. but either way i wouldn't care much.
  5. Well, they patched something is what I heard for modded gamertags so that's why I put that.
  6. How to mod your gamertag in MW2 by 360 Things you will need EzGt 2.2, (Xport 360, Xplorer 360 or Modio) and a Transfer Device (Xsata, Xport, Transfer Cable) 1. Open up "Modio" 2. Open your device 3. Locate your profile 4. Drag your profile to the desktop 5. Open "EzGt 2.2" 6. Click the icon in the top left 7. Open your profile 8. Change the gamertag to whatever you want then click save 9. The profile that is on your desktop will be the modded profile, so open "Modio" and go to explore my device and click partition 3 and then click content and then click insert folder and insert the folder created by "EzGt 2.2" 10. Turn on your xbox 360, but make sure nobody is signed in to any profile, if they are just sign out 11. Start MW2 and go to multiplayer, but DO NOT click "Xbox Live" 12. Sign into the "Modded Account" It should be the name of the gamertag you chose in ezgt 2.2 13. Now click xbox live 14. it should say something like "This profile isn't allowed to play on xbox live" 15. Finally sign into the account you modded in ezgt, then click xbox live and your done, this should work still, let me know if there are any problems.
  7. I don't know Pargy, but just because someone gave me 2 rep on my replies doesn't mean I rep boosted, but I don't want to get this topic closed so I don't want any more talk about this.
  8. No I didn't...Proof please?
  9. I didn't rep boost either.
  10. Microsoft is just way to selfish, they sue for the most retarded things.
  11. The iPad is not the same thing as an iPod Touch.
  12. I thought it was someone else, I was wondering why he was talking about me.
  13. 360

    FBI Site Takeover

    Damn, I missed it too.
  14. Yea, I think he is talking about the modded gamertags people have in mw2 lobbies, idk.
  15. I already said I am building it myself, I said I am bad at it because I have never attempted to build one before, and im not saying it's hard to do either, I just said it wrong in my post above, and what do you mean I claim to completely "remake" the 360 when it has Red Ring Of Death? I never said anything like that.
  16. I don't think they have it either, we can get one custom made
  17. Hold on, I will check, my brother is going to put it together for me so I don't have to buy one and so I can save a bunch of money. Edit: About $2,137.98 or Maybe less, it depends.
  18. I was thinking about doing that, which will save me a bunch of money, but I wouldn't be able to do it, I am terrible at putting computers together, but my brother is really good at it, so I guess I should let him put it together. I will have money left over for other things.
  19. I am finally getting a new computer, I decided not to just upgrade to Windows 7, I decided to get a really nice computer, it's a bit expensive, but I have about 6 other friends IRL that are helping me get this computer, which I will be getting next month. Im getting the HP Pavilion Elite HPE-180t series. http://gadgetmix.com/index/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/e9110tseries_hp.jpghttp://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2010/01/hp-pavilion-elite-hpe-desktop-pc,-top-viewjan09ces.jpg Operating System - Genuine Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Processor - Intel® Core i7-950 quad-core [3.00GHz, 1MB L2 + 8MB shared L3 cache] Memory - 12GB DDR3-1066MHz SDRAM [6 DIMMs] Hard Drive - 1TB RAID 0 (2 x 500GB SATA HDDs) 1GB ATI Radeon HD 5570 [DVI, HDMI, DP,VGA adapter] Primary Optical Drive - Blu-ray player & Lightscribe SuperMulti DVD burner Secondary Optical Drive - Blu-ray ROM (player) Networking - Premium Wireless-N LAN card Front Productivity Ports - 15-in-1 memory card reader, 1 USB, 1394, audio Sound Card - Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio Speakers - HP stereo speakers with subwoofer and remote 50W Keyboard and Mouse - HP wireless keyboard and HP wireless optical mouse Portable Media Drives - 320 GB HP Pocket Media Drive Productivity Software - Microsoft® Office Professional Edition 2007 Security Software - Norton 360(TM ) - 15 month
  20. Can we have both?
  21. Will the prices ever drop?
  22. 360

    Modding MS Points

    I agree, someone lock this.
  23. You picked the most expensive iPad, but I would go for the 500 Snicker Bars.
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