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Everything posted by MODkid

  1. OMG. i want one. it wont hurt. like look how much they got
  2. i like this mod. wish i could do this but no dev kit. only XSATA
  3. i think it would be great if Johnson was on the disk. then we could download it and BAMM Johnson
  4. i preorder the game. but sadly the people at the source ordered the game on the 22
  5. i have all the gamerscore on halo 3 but im not sure on modding halo 3 ODST. it will be not kuul but when getting recon. its kuul
  6. http://img29.imageshack.us/i/desktopbc.png/ sorry but this site wont let me up load it
  7. MODkid

    dadhalo's hell AI

  8. hey could you make me a sexy one that says GR4Mz7
  9. i have one. ill give it to you for free and allso you can you this code 5 times? reply to me and ill message you the code Your Welcome
  10. MODkid

    dadhalo's hell AI

    hey i want to put this on my 360. and yes i know no AI's. but i would like to know how to put serenity files and .sppf someone help. thanks
  11. sweet. im going to download this. nice work
  12. hey i can't download any of the .map files. thanks +REP
  13. wow thanks. but i have one qustion. how do i start that killtrocity mappack. do i just start it up with halo 2 disk?
  14. great. love this
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