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Everything posted by MODkid

  1. agree but i wish there was projectile mods for halo 3 multiplayer. that would be awesome
  2. this is cool. but you to slow and can't jump high also you die FAST
  3. EPIC. that is awesome. im getting that on my ipod
  4. i like the last one. but the clown is scary
  5. they have a factory and some kind of shipment that gets them games early. i think
  6. aww man. i think i can remember this guy. if i can see that name again. then ill know right away
  7. wait. there is 2.10 wow i only have 2.08
  8. i have one for all hard drives (not 250gb) ill upload it later
  9. hey. is this only in theaters or is it coming on DVD. because we don't have a theater hear any more. now its a bar
  10. for me it sounds like a good idea.
  11. im coming. i have send inv
  12. where do i put it
  13. i want the update download now.
  14. MODkid

    Xport help

    not working. and im using a HDD but thanks
  15. ebay seems like your best shot. anyway that transfer kit from Microsoft crashes on the computer.
  16. What You Need Solder Solder gun small screwdriver 30 gauge wire x2 small leds (any color) sony PSP drill first your going to open your psp http://i38.tinypic.com/5ca9tf.jpg next your going to see this http://i37.tinypic.com/2mmbc4x.jpg your going to lift up the flap and pull out the wire! now your going to open the lcd screen. put your flat head between the brace and the LCD and lift http://i38.tinypic.com/2zoxmqr.jpg take out the straps for the LCD screen http://i38.tinypic.com/27xjp7l.jpg now your going to take off the brace. take out all the screws http://i33.tinypic.com/2ibj66x.jpg Find the speaker and take it out and lay it down like this http://i38.tinypic.com/2ef5ogy.jpg solder it down and put the speaker(s) back into place and set the wire where the picture tels you! http://i38.tinypic.com/ng7bc6.jpg and get a drill and drill a small enough hole fot the led to fit in http://i38.tinypic.com/30lyut4.jpg now put the Sony PSP back together and turn it on and see that the LEDs are sound reactive. ENJOY If you need help add me on windows live messenger GR4Mz7@hotmail.com or add me on xbox live GR4Mz7
  17. hey could you give me the link for the file for the theme
  18. MODkid

    Xport help

    hey i want to open my hard drive on xplorer360 but im getting that error that im of the FAX (i forgot) whats my problem there. i have a 60gb harddrive
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