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Everything posted by SharXzZ

  1. I looked a little bit deaper in the save and found out that the credits are saved two times in the save so when you mod the right it would work. I tryed something but it all shows me a broken message -.- what did you find? - When your playing a 4 player game your credits are 4 times in the save or more thats crazy!!! in a 1 on 1 are just 2 times the same number of credits...
  2. My link Here. At the moment of the saved i had 9500 Credits and just my mainbuilding and a infantrie building.
  3. That would be cool i would try to help you and searching a bit more. Wait i uploading.
  4. I tryed to hex but i coudnôt find the credtis that i have in the save really confusing...
  5. What did you mean with out of reach? Is it to comlicated?
  6. Hello guys im searching for a tool to mod command and conquer saves or other. Games: Command and Conquer 3 Red Alert 3 and Kanes Wraith also the oldest part for xbox Tiberian wars But i cant find anything with google so did anyone know something? Thx
  7. Thx for info and help i will see what i can do now
  8. Yes i know its very old and nothing big But can anyone say me how i can mod a big ship on sandtrap you know the one at the sky from the UNSC Itôs not frigate or?
  9. xD Ah okay...^^ Name me yours that would be better
  10. Ohhh ok thx for info. That would be a problem to buy that :] So yes i must look when i have time i add you thx
  11. No can you tell me a little bit more about that demo modding? Now i have everything fine i needed the windows NT3.5 package to start. so everything is got in that way. Ãhm what is with data rehashing what is that? mean´s that when i put a data from my Hdd to pc that i must transform it to play it on console?
  12. Thx but i got that programm already the prob is just it is for Vista it doesn´t start on my pc -.-
  13. Thx for the programm it´s a little bit better than xplorer 360. But now im cunfused again. I am seeing there the halo folder with data that is greter than 100 Mb??? What is that i am thinking that a halo vid is just 300kb great or less. Can you explain that?
  14. you must not translate in to german xD but cool how do you did that ? No i need help in every way when you ask me so^^ I didn´t know what is the best way to mod halo3. I know nothing xD But the first thing i want to do is to mod halo3 maps in an easy when it is possible. You know? But thanks for the link i´m searching for it a long time^^
  15. Hey guys, I´m from germany but no english is not my problem xD I´m very new in modding and now it would be great if i can get some instructions. I have a normal Transfer kit for the xbox harddrive and yes it works great with my pc but now i am very confused.... I am seeing there some strange discription of the files like 0055ef3 etc. My problem is that i cant find my halo datas i have 10 acc with halo datas, i deleted some of them to see trough it but it is hard still cause of the other games. So has anyone an idea to find halo datas faster or decrypt the discriptions of the folders? I tried out the id-checker but it doesnt work it shows an error. So i didn´t no what do to, i heard something of a programm named Xport 360, where can i find it? Goggle is cunfusing me too -.- Thx for help. SharXzZ
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