So Over the past week Team infinity have been working on Beta 2 and Tonight it has been Finished there are still Bugs with in the tool but we have redesigned the GUI making it look allot more attractive we have also removed allot of the Tools that you may of seen in Beta 1 but have added allot more for Beta 2 Here is a small list Removed: Gamertag Changer Resigner/Rehasher Gamer Pic injecter Halo 3 Film editor Halo 3 Game Type Editer Xbox Profile viewer the login Box's on the side Added: GIJO Editor Sonic Unleashed Editor Tekken 6 Editor WET Editor Transformer 2 Editor Fatx Viewer (No need for Xplorer 360) Achivement Unlocker (Yes it works) STFS Viewer (Upgraded From Beta 1) Better GUI Designed Feedback Tool (Send us your Feedback/Suggestions) 1 Login Bar for all usergroups To Be added: Game adder (VIP Only) Chat Box More Save Editor's News Box Resigner/Rehasher (Upgraded From Beta 1) And Alot more You will need a account on to use the Login And Use Most of the Tools Screen Shots: Main View: Menu: Menu Save Editor's: Menu Profile Tools: Menu HDD Tools: Achivement Unlocker: Achivement Unlocker Before: Achivement Unlocker After: Fatx Viewer: STFS: Feedback: Please Note that you will need to Run the tool as Admin on Vista Above To be able to use the FATX Viewer and the Achievement Unlocker This is still a beta Build and we can not be Responsible for any Errors that occur when using the tool Please Post any errors that you Find here Bug Reports - XBLHackers And any Suggestions Here Suggestions - XBLHackers Download link (Below) Thanks XBLHackers Admin Team Project Infinity Team Project Infinity.rar
Yes but at the End of the day Every one who makes a AIO Will look at Modio since thay have put so much work in to the GUI all we are doing is Copying the gui makeing it look better and also adding more Apps.
We are Still working on the GUI And yes we have Copyed Modio but we will Be improveing the GUI But aslo dont you think Horizon looks a bit like Modio im sure all AIO are Based of Modio's GUI
GUI Has been Updated All Shity Apps have been Removed And New one's Have Been added We will be releaseing this Beta Build by friday Hopfully Screen Shots: overView- Save/GameEditors - Profile Tools- HDD Tools- STFS- FATX- Profile Tool- Please post any Suggestions that you may have about the Tool in this post Thanks
I Am proud to release our Beta copy of Project infinity Project infinity Is a AIO Application That has lots of modding tools in it and will have lots more added to it Very soon so Right now we are Releasing A Beta version of the application the Program has a Login script programed in so you will need to login with the your user name and password from this site also If you have VIP you will have more tools to use and in the Future you will have Programs that only VIPS can use here is a small description of what Programs are in the AIO right now. Screen Shots: Feautures: * STFS- Extraction Only, Injection Overwritting coming Soon * Avatar Color Editor * Halo 3 service tag Editor * Prototype Editor * Gears of war 2 screenshot Injector/Extractor * Gamer Picture Injector * Halo 3 Film Editor * Halo 3 Game Type Editor * Resigner * XBL Gamertag Editor- Works only offline To Be added soon: * GameAdder * Achivement Unlocker * Fatxplorer * Sonic Unleased Editor * GIJOE Editor * Transformers 2 Editor * And Lots more to be added We are also looking for People who can help out with the Development For Project Infinity If you are accepted to our team you will be Rewarded for the Work that you put in to the Project Add one of my contacts if you are intrested AIM: Mylazysundays MSN: Download Link: (in the attachment Below) Please Post any Bug's here Thanks XBLHackers Admin Team Project_infinity.rar