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Everything posted by 10mejia

  1. 10mejia


    Hmmm...then i wonder how long it takes KD to watch a 4 min vid o.0
  2. 10mejia


    wtf?! how is that even possible!!
  3. Ok
  4. Hey peaches, thats awesome, can you post a link to the tut please? please and thank you!
  5. Man that looks awesome! ill take it, thanks buddah
  6. That made me laugh
  7. Thanks so much man, it's now one of my fav sigs..all be jealous EDIT- Oh noz, i'm getting an error, its to big =[ please make the width smaller...the height it good :] EDIT v2- Ok, i made it the make width for a sig...Thanks again justrec!
  8. How the heck can you making a sig like that in MS Paint?! Please make one
  9. 10mejia


    ...continue, what comes after that? come on dont leave me guessing!
  10. Hey, justrec, make me one? XD i would actully want one...looks kool lol
  11. When i said flow, i ment in a signature!!! not in other things >.> Besides, i do believe in flow when it comes to those things ;]
  12. Here, please rate and comment :] http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb258/10mejia/Bluetroll.png
  13. I said it was bad quality
  14. Hey guys! i have a crappy voice thanks to my fone!!! thanks for watching!!!
  15. I see, i respect your post
  16. How the heck do you even find out about these things before even they are released?
  17. What, is so important of this "xbox 360 profile decryption/encryption tool" that it shouldn't be posted? (i never heard of it and am not a huge modder so yea just asking)
  18. Hey, anyone know a good software that can record my screen? please and thank you for any help! P.S. i didn't know if this should go in the help desk or not sorry if it is.
  19. What's the purpose of posting his secret if he wants you to?
  20. Alright, thanks for the suggestions, i will try them both.
  21. Hello, I'm currently making a small little fun mod for those who get bored, and while making this mod while testing i seemed to have done something wrong with both a shotgun and needler, i made the shotgun shoot out plasma grenades but they don't shoot out they just fall out and blow me up. This goes the same with the needler but with frag grenades, they dont get launched they just fall and blow me up. Could anyone please tell me what i can do to stop this? Please and Thank You for any help!
  22. Sounds like a good idea to me, but I'll beat fable 2 first. BTW i should have been more specific, if you remember at the beginning of the game after recovering there is a chest when going to kill some guy that blocks a road, that chest has a coat that is called (i think) bandit coat. That is something i would love to have
  23. I can't think of much but sense I'm into fable 2 right now, I'd love to see some fable 2 cloths
  24. From, what i know of teamviewer allows you to do things to the comp as if you were right in front of it. So, yea that means he could do anything or am i wrong?
  25. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/topic/13-clean-maps-here/ This one please =]
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