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Everything posted by NeoBatWare

  1. I was just wondering if anyone on this site even has a DS. I was going to get one for Christmas, but then I got a 360 instead . But I still kind of want one just so I can play Zelda Phantom Hourglass because it's the sequel to the greatest Zelda of all time: Wind Waker. But I don't think I'll be getting one anytime soon. So does anyone have it, and if so, what do you think about it?
  2. Ness is pretty good I'll admit, but he isn't the best. The thing is that Nintendo has done a wonderful job of balancing each character that pretty much anyone can take on anyone else.
  3. I'm going to get this thread back on track . I like it, the brush you used behind the star is really cool and it all flows together nicely. The only thing I don't like are the colors. They're too bleh. But I really like it! 8.789089/10
  4. Excellent use of the pen tool. The spacing is very well done and the text it very good. The colors are cool too, but a boarder would have been good I think. Not very much to dislike. 9/10
  5. Honestly, I am not a modder. I have never modded and I don't think I ever will. It's not that I don't like it. I think that it's awesome to mess with modded stuff. It's just that modding doesn't interest me. I'm on this site for the people, the game forums, the arcade, and the other stuff. I was wondering if there are any other members on this site who don't mod?
  6. I consider pretty much all of them vector. The only exception would be the mascot one on the bottom. I would say that they are pretty good. The sean paul one is a little too boring, and the mascot one on the bottom doesn't look like you did a whole lot to it. The two with the women are too boring, but the second one is better. The first woman one has nice flow, but there isn't enough going on. Of course, I am not a big fan of sigs with stocks with real people in them so I am a little biased. Your Ichigo one is good, even though I have no idea who he is. Overall, my favorite one is the second one, and the others are pretty good too.
  7. NeoBatWare


    Yeah, a lot of the bands I listen to haven't become really popular... yet. And thanks for the compliment. Honestly it's just a pencil tool. I have no idea how to use the pen tool so I used the pencil tool.
  8. This is going to sound pretty stupid, but what is a post generator?
  9. Alright, I finished a sig. I know it's not a wind waker sig, but I play as Lucas in Brawl, so i thought I would make a sig of him. I said I would add a sig to this section and I did so what do you think?
  10. Not very true anymore. With brawl out, there are a ton of people playing online. But with other games that is very true.
  11. I'm wondering who everyone that plays brawl plays as. I like to play as Lucas, but I haven't unlocked a lot of the characters yet. Anyone else?
  12. Well there are a total of 120 stars, but it only takes 60 to "beat the game". Also once you get all 120 stars, you unlock a 121th star that you can get. So really, I'm sure it gets more difficult along the way.
  13. I finally got my copy of it today! But I am having some problems with my wifi around my house so I can't connect to play online. When I can figure it out, I will post my code. So far however, it is great! Maybe I should write a review.... Edit: I got my code! It's: 4339 2239 1060 If anyone on this site has it and would like to add me so we can brawl, pm me.
  14. Brawl has officially been released today in the U.S.! I'm going to go pick up my copy as soon as I can (i've blown all my money on movies and random stuff). Then I will post my fc for it in this topic and if anyone else gets it then we can brawl it out!
  15. A wii firend code (fc) is probably what you've heard just about every wii owner rant about. Basically each wii has a 16 digit code (all numbers). You use this code just like the friends system on xbox live, only it's a little different. If you want to add someone as your friend, you must enter their fc on your address book and they must enter your fc in theirs. Once you have both entered each other's fc, you can send messages to each other. Also, each nintendo-made game that features online play of any kind has codes for every disc of that game (they are usually around 12 digits). So if you wanted to play someone in mario strikers charged, then you must enter someone's code in that game, and they must enter your fc for that game. Does that make sense?
  16. Yeah I just felt like posting a long article about something and it was the first thing to pop into my head. And yeah they both are great services. And you have to remember that all three consoles' online services are basically there to do the exact same things, but they just execute them differently.
  17. Sadly, I have not played this game yet and I own a wii. Actually, I did play it for about five minutes at a gamestop when I was buying my 360, but that gave me enough to base an opinion on it I think. It's great! The gameplay is amazing, the visuals (for the wii) are exceptional, and it's really fun to play. I suggest that if anyone goes to a gamestop or bestbuy and they have a stand with it in, you should play it... then buy it.
  18. Very neat sig. I like the colors and the blending of the vector brushes behind the star. The one thing that I don't like is the one thing that no gfx artist can ever get just right, the text. I think a different font would have been better and the glow makes it look a little sloppy. The glow would look better with a different font though. Nice. I say 9/10
  19. I wanted to start a topic about the quality of Nintendo's WiiConnect24 versus Xbox Live. First topic, lagging. We all hate those people who keep lagging out and provide an unfair disadvantage to their team. The screen gets choppy and it's nearly impossible to kill someone if it's really bad. However, I have played Mario Strikers Charged for months and the amount of times that I have experienced even the slightest bit of lag was once and it only lasted for about ten seconds. Whereas with Live, at least one out of every twenty games or so that I play, someone lags a huge amount and it gets very annoying. The winner of the award for littlest amount of lagging is... WiiConnect24 Next topic is extra features. The Wii provides many features through it's channel system. The menu is divided into blocks that each have a specific feature. There are features such as the Classic Games where you can purchase a load of crappy old games from all of the old dusty platforms that you sold at your last garage sale. Another feature is the internet channel. It allows you to surf the internet using an opera browser. The downside is that it takes a ton of time to load anything. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8283-620.jpg Live has things like the Marketplace. There you can buy new themes, movies, pretty much anything you want. They also have an arcade for those old games, and newer short games/demos. Live also allows a user to connect straight to their computer and play songs or videos off of their pc or Zune. The Marketplace and other features add up to a victory for Microsoft. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8283-621.jpg The winner for the award for best features is... Live The third topic is the most debatable topic from all sides-- which is the best overall? I'm not going to go into extreme depth about this topic as I don't know as much as I probably should, but I'll give it a shot. First off, the Wii uses friend codes. Why? To protect Little Billy from strangers who want to abduct him. Do I mind friend codes? Yes I do mind them, heck I hate them. But I am willing to put up with them for the time being. But If Nintendo wants to improve their online status, I'll make sure that's the first thing to go. Nintendo is also constantly coming out with new features and cool things to do. They produce a wide variety of new channels often and each one provides a quick and fun way of connecting to others around you. The Check Mii Out channel is a good example. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8283-622.jpg It allows users to send their miis in for competitions that Nintendo hosts such as "Mario Without His Hat" and they can view miis made by anyone, download them to their Mii Channel, and then play Wii Sports. Nintendo does lack in overall amount of online games (there are like what, 7?) but they are mostly good quality games that all have very good connection speeds. Plus online is free with wifi built in! Next, Live. Live has been the Goliath that both Sony and Nintendo have been trying to take down. Live has built up an extremely loyal fan base with good games and good support for those games (just look at bungie). Microsoft has, in my opinion, created a good online setup with features that consumers really want. They have many free demos, themes, and images available in the Marketplace for download at any time. Adding friends is easily done with the push of a button. The downside to live- the cost. $50 a year for it? That's not much, but when you factor in all of the expensive equipment that you need just to connect to the internet, then you get a price that makes a PS3 look cheap. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8283-623.jpg I remember buying my 360. I got a used 360 arcade, the wifi receiver, and a hard drive and the total was more than a 20g PS3. And that would have been ready to go with wifi built in. I don't even think that the halo 3 maps were worth $10. They should have been free or maybe $5. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8283-624.jpg But these facts aside, I think that the winner of best overall online gameplay/features/other cool stuff is... Live Its features, games, and amazing benefits make it the king of online gaming... at least in my opinion.
  20. NeoBatWare


    I am Christian, but I don't really listen to them for the the religious side i guess. I just like their music. Though I do listen to the christain station every now and then.
  21. I spent five minutes on it, but I just wanted to see what everyone else thought about it. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8254-629.png edit: I'll post a sig soon so this topic won't be a complete waste of space
  22. NeoBatWare


    Angels & Airwaves The War The Last Goodnight Radiohead Modest Mouse Relient K Muse Coldplay Switchfoot Maine We the Kings Treaty of Paris I like a lot of music similar to this, but my favorite band is Angels & Airwaves.
  23. I have a wii and a few online games. I'll be getting ssbb when I can so I'll get that code some time as well. If anyone would like to add me to their console, just pm me and I'll add them!
  24. Yeah It's going to be really fun. The official site has all of the latest updates plus a ton of cool videos and info on the game so check it out! http://www.smashbros.com
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