ill help u, ive helped a lot of ppl with this achievement and if every1 is serious it usually takes like 30 min or an hour but if ppl goof around or dont listen it takes like 2 to 3 hours, i just like doing this achievement, add me on xbox live gt is lekgolocrap, i might not be on 4 a week or 2 cuz my xbox is being gay.
nevermind i found the campaign and the mainmenu one k go here 4 all the clean maps 7hx ibotpeaches now i just want 2 know how to shoot rockets from an smg
ok first is im new to halo 2 modding so stfu and dont lolz, i know a couple of things already but i have a couple of questions. 1. k so i really want to mod the halo 2 main menu and im confused on one part. where is the located in xsata or if its not there, do i have convert it to one of the new maps and if yes the program i am using new + old map converter and if its suppose to be on there well then it isnt. so do i just type mainmenu on there or something to convert it? 2. same thing with the campaign maps where do i get it? 3.i've always wanted to do this, how do u make an smg shoot out rockets?
hey i'm new 2 this place i know how 2 mod and stuff and it successfully works. but today when i was modding a film (which i have before) i did all the modding **** and blah, when i put it back on the console and watch my film there was a film error that said "an error occurred while the film was playing." so yeah, i use the programs schitzo or whatever 4 film editing and i used CONcept 0.3 4 rehasher/resigner. i played the game on local so i used my own profiles. there were 3 people in the game on the map guardian. is there anyone who can help like a new film editing program or a new r/r program that somone can give the link 2. or if it's too many people. and stuff. plz help.