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Everything posted by lekgolocrap

  1. i like how he didnt talk shit about halo ce and halo odst. and it would have been funnier if the cops passed by while he was burning it.
  2. i should be involved with this, cuz today is birthday...jk lololol
  3. lekgolocrap


    happened to to me b4 =], also i got 117 one time
  4. fooooood, glorious foooooooooooood!!!!!!!
  5. fooooood, glorious foooooooooooood!!!!!!!
  6. fooooood, glorious foooooooooooood!!!!!!!
  7. fooooood, glorious foooooooooooood!!!!!!!
  8. fooooood, glorious foooooooooooood!!!!!!!
  9. fooooood, glorious foooooooooooood!!!!!!!
  10. fooooood, glorious foooooooooooood!!!!!!!
  11. this beta rapes, my problems are Juggernaut way overpowered, in invasion, the elites get like the very little things like 1 plasma grenade launcher, and a focus rifle. they should get a little bit more, and probably a couple of more vehicles too
  12. didnt bungie say it was releasing in the late morning
  13. that needle rifle looked the same as those leaked pics
  14. y? srry just curious
  15. he means the score not games only recruit u play 1 game but the rest of the rankings it's ur total score
  16. and better forge like ai and making ur own map from scratch
  17. i want elites back
  18. i dont really believe this but i like pic 1 and 3
  19. on the last level when u drive the warthog u should make the turret shoot a scarab shot
  20. the odst achievements were easy
  21. wow thats really awesome i should think about doing that next time cuz every time i help some1 with that it turns out horrible
  22. for those ppl who need help with this achievement i am mostly able to help on the weekends and friday just send me a message over live to schedule a time i already helped a couple of ppl and a person from this website. and another thing, listen to what i say and dont go rambo you arent master chief you're an ODST. stuff
  23. i will be able to help u whichever day, ive already done the vidmaster like 3 times to help other ppl, we just need good communication and no rambo ppl that r 10 year olds. and i dont die that much cuz i have noticed around like 95% of the games i play im always the one that dies the least. just add me and say who u r, gt: lekgolocrap
  24. thank god achievement hunters ur awesome
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