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Everything posted by DemonicKnight

  1. You dont even know there was a big file that said mod here and it was just full of things to edit all i had to do was transfer it was so damn easy.>_>
  2. Nope i didnt really think it thru very much it still doesnt mean that someone should act like a complete ass about it. Yes it does it requires alot more lol I could care less if he's ex staff or not doesnt give him the right nor does it give you the right to act an ass.
  3. So your the faggot doing that as im pretty sure everyone knew that you had to be ****** and point it out you couldn't just let it be and be a good little halo kiddie and just watched the video.
  4. yeah well thats just some of the basic stuff i found out how to do this im researching some other things on it.
  5. Correct it is devkit but there are plenty of cool things to do on retail
  6. Lol it didnt embed like i hoped
  7. Cannot Be Displayed
  8. Well then im not sure what to say both saves work for me on my dev without the modded map on so i know they work.
  9. 070_waste(The Ark)
  10. I did something similar except they are hunters for added fun . personal000000004A2AB2011.rar
  11. I will give it another try if you would like apart from the previous save i posted in case you have any specific requests.Try not to get out of hand with it as im still doing you a favor.
  12. Give this save a try http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq95/quickkill0/object_temp_myballs_myballs.jpg personal000000004A2934A11.rar
  13. Fuck Quickkill0?When is it that i bacame the apifinay of everyone for blame what have i done to deserve what you call stealing if you have not the slightest clue what i do or do not do, so before you give wrongful credit or appose such blame on someone do some research.
  14. As this is my last post to this topic.Not much just added a few plugins and labeled some important things in others along with adding a new feature or two.But as the title says the're slight changes and since im not modding halo 3 anymore nor am i working on construct anymore figured i would give it out.
  15. There is no origanal post as i am the one who updated it.Im Quickkill0.
  16. Just Replace files in first build with files from rar.Construct_v1.3.1.rar
  17. No it still works with rrod it wouldn't go to dash or do anything. You are the biggest failure ever you shouldn't even be allowed to present yourself as a modder all your time of owning a dev you've done nothing but lame ass halo 3 ******** and figured nothing out on your own the pics say 2007 because the cameras date is set on 2007,And how are you going to tell me if my kit has rrod. The 200gb hdd is worth 160 $ itself also the kits comes with alot of things you wouldnt normally get when you bought the kit from another person the price can still be negotiated but not to much.
  18. My cameras date is wrong i didnt even have a kit in 2007 lol.
  19. No it doesnt rrod its just the freezing problem.
  20. Its still Xenon.
  21. I appreciate it.
  22. I am i changed my name to kinda stay out of all the bs going around thats why i havnt been on my other account in a bit.
  23. Nope pnet is fully operational
  24. Hi all im selling my Demo kit as im leaving the modding community and i need the money right now.Selling for 900$ Specs: 200gb HDD All Cables included one controller included Several games included Second latest dash recovery shipping is 2/3 day shipped to your door. contact me through msn at xxangelfromabovexx@hotmail.com or thru email at qiuckkill01@yahoo.com Known problems The kit has been having troubles with freezing but with alittle knowledge it could be fixed. http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq95/quickkill0/HPIM0773.jpg http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq95/quickkill0/HPIM0772.jpg
  25. Using a Dev kit and nulling the brightness values.
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