Alright. I have played with Halodude before on the ark and belive it or not he is a good glitcher. Trust me everyone who thinks this is a mod, your fucking retarded. I think that if bungie were to place an AR in a hidden room, I think that it would be like a scarab gun. All I really am trying to say is QUIT FUCKING CRITIZING THAT HE IS MODDING BECAUSE HE HAS A DEV KIT. Because of the fact that HE HAS ANOTHER GUY IN THE GAME, I think that is good enough proof. Alright so if you've known me for a while then you know that I used to make tutorials. Well I thought that I'd start making tutorials in programs such as Adobe After Effects or Sony Vegas. So anyways today I'm going to show you guys how to remove the watermark from the demo of an external plugin called Trapcode Starglow. But there is a catch to it, you can only use it on Text. So in other words, I am going to show you how to remove the watermark that the Trapcode Starglow Demo makes to show that you have not purchased it. This tutorial will ONLY work for TEXT layers. Requirments for this Tutorial -------------------------------- A Computer (duh) Adobe After Effects CS3+ Trapcode Starglow Demo (Download Here) First open up After Effects and go to "Composition">"New Composition": Use the same settings as my comp: Once in your composition, click the tool and type your text in the composition window: Then, select the text layer and apply "Effects">"Trapcode">"Starglow". If you don't see it, then you haven't installed the plugin: Your text should now look tike mine: As you can see there is a watermark there. Drag your text below the X that the watermark makes: Then make another composition with your own settings: Now drag the other composition with the text in, into the composition that you made and be sure that it only shows the text: End Result: And now you can use your text. You may have to make the first composition bigger than 2000x2000 pixels if you still see the watermark, but it's the best way to use it legally. Thanks for reading and if you need help PM me or talk to me on XBL my name is ThronedCREATOR.