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Everything posted by lostmodz26

  1. lostmodz26: ODST is gonna be big: http://www.bungie.net/images/News/Inline09/091109/SoBig.jpg SotG Caboose: lol
  2. http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/8025/photo1kh.jpg http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/268/photo2g.jpg I just moved and when I re-arrange my room I'll take more pics.
  3. lostmodz26


    Just about to get the vidmaster, when a brute came in and killed all of us: http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/2153/onoes.png 3 Hours for Nothing...
  4. Numbers Sent.
  5. I remember a while back I was working on a program and I tried to make an installer that takes extracts files out of an exe through the resources. But couldn't find working code for that though, so unless you can make up your own code, I can't help you with that. And for your server thing, I would suggest putting the files into a rar or zip file and then upload them
  6. Perfect, thanks
  7. *Pimpslaps Shishka and steals Dev*
  8. After 5 years of my gamertag being ThronedCREATOR, I want to change it. I need ideas, I want it to start with Throned so that people will recognize me. Serious answers please?
  9. Nice post, must've taken hours to get all of those pics.
  10. lostmodz26


    I feel so dizzy after watching that video.
  11. http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/3145/wallpapern.png
  12. How would ibm be an attack site in the first place? You had to have blocked it out, or your browser is messed up...
  13. 2122
  14. lostmodz26


  15. 2118
  16. Maybe later, what happened to your other SoTo BnG account?
  17. *Busts open the door*
  18. I used AE, I'm starting to use Photoshop and I like it so far.
  19. He's right but after looking at a bunch of other cheap PCs this one looks like the best: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9999116500050002&type=product&id=pcmprd116600050002
  20. Who ever knew that someone with fruit in his name would make one of the biggest modding websites of all time...
  21. *Hands AK47 to David*
  22. Go here: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&id=pcat17080&type=page&lcn=Computers&sc=abComputerSP&st=processingtime:%3E1900-01-01&usc=abcat0500000&cp=1&sp=%2Bcurrentprice+skuid&nrp=15&qp=crootcategoryid%23%23-1%23%23-1~~q70726f63657373696e6774696d653a3e313930302d30312d3031~~cabcat0500000%23%230%23%2311a~~cabcat0501000%23%230%23%2329~~nf396||5061636b616765204465616c73&pagetype=listing
  23. That would be impossible, the helmet is way to small.
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