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Everything posted by dodoizbropin

  1. *EDITED FOR RACIAL SLURS* I don't care if he is your best friend. do NOT say it
  2. you need to pay 10 dollars for it...and by "hacking", he meant to get it for him for free...i looked everywhere and i cant find it srry
  3. dodoizbropin

    Zone Art

    isnt the render the second pic?
  4. *psht* idk why people are scared of him too lol hes all talk
  5. i dont care about him being angry...its him trying to act like he is the boss of everyone and that he thinks he can turn anybody against anyone else
  6. bro i dont get posts anyways but this "kid" needs to quit acting like hes the "top dog" here Agree with me?
  7. dodoizbropin

    help me!

    1.go to college 2.get a job at bungie .:or:. 1.make bungie laugh
  8. can you answer me this... why is venom such a doosh who thinks that he runs everything? no im not posting this so i get posts lol i cant even get posts for some reason
  9. not until venom shuts up and stops trying to act like he runs everything. someone needs to teach this kid a lesson...to bad he dont live near me lol id punch him in the eye and then he'll shut up
  10. bro ill @%#$ you up so bad your a little kid and i loooove how your calling me a 3rd grader and all of the sudden starting to spell everything right because you have nothing on me i will @%#$k you up so dont talk s*** if you know you cant back it up
  11. i like how i just dl'd them and took this pic lol and i dont use mirc for booting lol your a fag and ill @%#$ you up in reel life...and thats what matters...and your fat lol
  12. best box art http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/dmp4/xbox360boxart3.jpg
  13. .:SUPER BUMP:. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/dmp4/untitled-6.jpg
  14. go to the site and sign up so i can get money for the referals
  15. Hi I need referrals on awsurveys.com because im trying to get a nice but kinda cheap video camera and I need help. Just go HERE and make a new account so I can get money. This site is great for making good money really quick and easily. All you do is basically comment other websites for about $4 each site. PLEASE go to the referral link I provided I need the money badly. Thanks! DoDo
  16. cool
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