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Everything posted by kink

  1. kink

    It was fun.

    Aww, I just never post much sad to see the site go.
  2. Oops..someone forgot Assembly xD Staff Response We don't decompile applications, and then post the source
  3. How do i Purchase VIP?
  4. This is going to be a Giant EPIC FAIL
  5. i would Like one like yours But Red. And my name Kink Thanks, ~Kink
  6. kink

    Xbox LIVE Account

    Nope, You can get a Level 55, then u keep going up in Prestige that Account isnt prestige its only a level 13.
  7. kink

    Xbox LIVE Account

    Ummm. This is my first Account. i Gave you ur Passwords That someone Jacked From u. i Sell all the Time. And if you Dont trust me Dont. i Can add you On XBL and you can team View Me to prove i have and Selling this account.
  8. Gamertag: J mmmmmmmmmmmmm Total Gamerscore: 29,796 Microsoft Points Balance: 370 Microsoft Points Xbox Live MemberShip: Xbox LIVE Prepaid 12 + 1 Month Gold Membership Card. Gold Member since: 12/24/2008 End date: 2/28/2010 Call of Duty 4 Prestige/Level: 13 Call of Duty 5 Prestige/Level: 0 Halo 3 Highest Skill, Rank, EXP: Highest Skill 50. General Grade 3, 2000 EXP Bungie Link: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Default.aspx?player=J+mmmmmmmmmmmmm&sg=0 Account is not banned in Halo 3 i Just Dont Play anymore If needed i Will add you On XBL. To Prove OwnerShip This account Does Not have a Credit Card. Payment Price: Best Offer option: Paypal Only End Date: july/25/09
  9. you need to put it in your profiles halo 3 folder which is 4D5307E6 then put it in the next 0010000 or what ever then put it with all your usermaps but you need to load your ids in the resigner first then save over this save. rehash/resign.Here is a link for a personalfile that was made on a dev if you resign this with campaign save resigner. This is a public release and it will work on retail. I dont know how long this upload link will be up because i dont know of any good upload engines.. Anyways you play as a odst and someother cool things. Game Save Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?xdzx0d0dj90 Game Save Resigner: We dont link to s7 here,the resigner was posted here.
  10. 1: Open hex editor, and then open gamerprofile and avatar gamerpic image. 2: Copy the whole hex code of the gamerpic 3: Open Search whilst on the gamerprofile and past the code into the box, then click Hex Values as search options and forward. 4: The first find you come across is the code for the image which displays the picture icon of your profile on the memory card or HDD. This is the only time you will see your .png avatar gamer code in whole form. Overwriting this code with the hex of another .png 64x64 image is the same as using inject image with Modio - when your profile is loaded on it. Now to find it as your Gamerpic. The code is split into exactly two halves, to find the first half of your gamerpic hex code in the profile do the following. 1: Make sure gamerprofile hex code starts from top of page and have the gamerpic avatar image open on hex too. 2: Copy about 20 - 30 lines of hex from the avatar gamerpic code and search for it on the gamerprofile code page. Again the first thing it should take you too is that mention above for HDD memory - but click forward again and you will come to the first half of the .png code for your main live avatar gamerpic image. Reading the code all the way down you should be able to find where it stops and compare it against the main avatar code - should roughly be from line 00000000 to line 0000FF00 of main avatar code. To find where the other half of your avatar gamerpic is stored on your gamerprofile, you need to work from the bottom up on the main gamerpic code. 3: Going from bottom up, copy about 20-30 lines of hex from the avatar gamerpic code and search for it on the gamerprofile code page. Again the first thing it should take you too is bottom of the HDD Mem image used - press forward again in search and it will take you to the bottom of the 2nd half of your gamerpic code. Reading that from bottom up you should find where it stops - this chunk of hex should roughly be the same as line 00001000 onwards of the gamerpic avatar image hex. By creating a new 64 x 64 gamerpic .png with an image creator/editor and saving to 8KB in size if your image editor allows you to export wizard by size as this is the size of an avatar gamerpic - you should be able to overwrite each half of the hex in your profile by also splitting the hex code of your newly created image.
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