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Everything posted by sparta

  1. yea heard about this u can get a turretless wraith too i think i think u need host to leave the have 2nd host leave while the black screen still going on
  2. sparta

    10,000 Saves!

    so where's the link =p edit: >.< =p found it though it was sappose to be in the word that says link
  3. yea it cool lots of programs like one it not really hacking but it nice to have think it was called XBList and when u log on to it it will tell you if any of your friends are on xbox live and other stuff i forget to lazy to go look =p
  4. wow that is really complicated and it weird im always hearing about ppls 360's braking but it never happened to me maybe im just lucky and ive had mine for a while ever sence the 360 first came out
  5. ok thxs and also does it have programs that connect to ur 360 using an xsata or something along those lines?
  6. i got an xbox 360 intercooler cus my 360 would overheat when i tryed to play H3 beta >.< i think the one i got is a diffrent one cus i remember when i bought it there was on that goes on the bottom of 360 and on that goes behind it(<-the one i got) got any pic so i can see if the one i got is the one ur talking about?
  7. this looks awesome to bad i cant get the other part used up the amount i can get on free have to wait like 178 mins
  8. lol thxs it is the best isnt it =p
  9. can't wait for halo 3 so many settings >.< also im wonder if u really get to play as the flood in infection or what?
  10. been with ibotmodz for a while just to lazy to poats stuff =p anyway info bout me umm xbox gamer tag:shadow coole age:15 likes:umm,cookies,flying ninja monkeys,radioactive symbol,rabid flamingos-whales-etc,ummm . . . theres more but i forget =p there alot more info bout me but to lazy to type it all(if u havent noticed im lazy =p) oh and i mod my 360
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