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Everything posted by sparta

  1. seen this kind of thing before ,a lot people like it (i don't but still it's nice)
  2. omg wow this mod is nice i wanna know where it is
  3. so if u never played h2 live then u cant really compare them since your comparing h2 campaign to h3 everything, but h2 campaign did suck but i love it's multiplayer i dunno what they did but h3 just got boring
  4. wow that was close but man that kids face almost got me
  5. i just saw these thought it was funny so i posted it here since i don't know where to post it enjoy [youtube:r5k07rnm]Mac37K_P0l8&feature[/youtube:r5k07rnm] [youtube:r5k07rnm]Z1odE9GX68o&feature[/youtube:r5k07rnm] [youtube:r5k07rnm]H6FYo_4JfC0&feature[/youtube:r5k07rnm]
  6. yea i mean there are zombie vampire(or at least that what i call them) in the movie and a lion in new york i dont like to get all technical but do lions even live in the us?
  7. sparta


    awesome cant wait ,also will every post be reset or what just wanted to ask =p
  8. i got 35 =p i got stuck at the one hole with the underground tunnels the ball just wouldn't go in
  9. thanks for this post i view alot of flashes so this is a huge help
  10. wow lucky but then again if you get the red rings on this new expensive one that will suck
  11. love this app also love the rainbow effect in your pic =p great job
  12. that cool but there is already a topic about this =p
  13. i have 5245 gamerscore and like 18 games but 4 are demos so that kinda unfair >.< dumb demos so mine not including demos since u cant get achievements in em is 375
  14. by getting a tele out side the map
  15. im not i knew u could drive it just didnt know how to get it in the pit =p and it suck only host can get in =/
  16. wow spartan u come on the forum just to call ppl nerds that is sad
  17. there was a patch one way is to steal very easy if u use a trick where u enchant ur armor with chemilion(misspelled) and u need like 5 pieces of any armor because it like 20% on each ,so when u have 100% u can steal whatever u like ,but if u steal from guild member u still get kicked out ,and i think u can get caught pickpocketing but since your invisible they cant find u also u can kill people very easily since they cant see u so have fun =p
  18. wouldn't it be cool if u could fly the pelicans out there somehow =p
  19. maybe they were to lazy to add the warthog to the bsp and they just said screw it leave it like it is =p
  20. hey sirius =p ill download it now sounds weird
  21. i could care less it just stupid armor so what if some ppl get it who care it just stupid armor in a game it is a cool stick
  22. isnt it when it is destroyed not moved =p
  23. might have been better if u posted link here it is http://files.xboxsoftmods.org/index.php?act=category&id=19
  24. i can spawn a ghost and a prowler on snowbound and i dont have every achivement i remember going on snowbound when it first came out and spawning them also u didnt explain the warthog but it can be easyly explain just had a friend in forge pick him up and move him
  25. just tryed it doesnt work =[ but i found something weird while trying to find it u know on high ground in the computer room i was just stand ing next to the comp that makes the nosies then all the sudden it started to play halo music i was like " WTF!?!?!" it was weird i dunno if it works on live but it is kinda cool
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