so if u never played h2 live then u cant really compare them since your comparing h2 campaign to h3 everything, but h2 campaign did suck but i love it's multiplayer i dunno what they did but h3 just got boring
i just saw these thought it was funny so i posted it here since i don't know where to post it enjoy [youtube:r5k07rnm]Mac37K_P0l8&feature[/youtube:r5k07rnm] [youtube:r5k07rnm]Z1odE9GX68o&feature[/youtube:r5k07rnm] [youtube:r5k07rnm]H6FYo_4JfC0&feature[/youtube:r5k07rnm]
yea i mean there are zombie vampire(or at least that what i call them) in the movie and a lion in new york i dont like to get all technical but do lions even live in the us?
i have 5245 gamerscore and like 18 games but 4 are demos so that kinda unfair >.< dumb demos so mine not including demos since u cant get achievements in em is 375
there was a patch one way is to steal very easy if u use a trick where u enchant ur armor with chemilion(misspelled) and u need like 5 pieces of any armor because it like 20% on each ,so when u have 100% u can steal whatever u like ,but if u steal from guild member u still get kicked out ,and i think u can get caught pickpocketing but since your invisible they cant find u also u can kill people very easily since they cant see u so have fun =p
i can spawn a ghost and a prowler on snowbound and i dont have every achivement i remember going on snowbound when it first came out and spawning them also u didnt explain the warthog but it can be easyly explain just had a friend in forge pick him up and move him
just tryed it doesnt work =[ but i found something weird while trying to find it u know on high ground in the computer room i was just stand ing next to the comp that makes the nosies then all the sudden it started to play halo music i was like " WTF!?!?!" it was weird i dunno if it works on live but it is kinda cool