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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Lol...Follower. :-P
  2. Test post to check for warning.
  3. Athrun picks a dick. http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/athrunpickedit.jpg
  4. Haha pwned. He said he didn't give it to you. /Fail anyone?
  5. Justrec

    New Staff

    Really? Because his avatar has his username in it? Man no-one has thought of that before.
  6. Lmao...
  7. Get F*cking Drunk Eventually While Sexually F*cking The Sub-Admins
  8. Already a thread in Off-Topic.
  9. Omghia!
  10. You keep saying this yourself but you haven't taken action... I edited it. VV Fixed.
  11. Justrec

    New Staff

    I honestly think that you tried too hard to get mod, and so did yungbol. No offense guys, I do think that you both will do a good job
  12. Dude thats just a backround with text. This site is dedicated Pikmin, he said he doesn't want the ".net" and the site phrase is "now, just more" Yours just looks plain.
  13. I forgive you melo.
  14. I see you say that everytime theres something to do with GFX. You aren't the only one on this site that is good with gfx. Melos and Mattys are actually good.
  15. Joined: November of 07 for the new site (PHPBB) Other Aliases:None? Posts: 500 Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?):Yes Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area?:Both. Also to help out. I've been helping out, but had my vip taken, then just stopped. Knowing that there is leaked content in there, do you support leaked content or frown upon it?: I Don't support it. Simple answers. Idgaf.
  16. You should think about filming machinimas.
  17. Because its IPB. (IP Ban)
  18. Move the Now, Just more to the left some. It doesn't look right when its all in the explosion.
  19. Not Joe Walls. He's a follower.
  20. teamblackout.info
  21. Justrec

    New Name

    All of the gamertags with ThE CaPs AnD UnCaPs ArE lAmE jUsT LiK3 Th3 NuMB3RS In iT. Don;t do all the caps and uncaps. Makes you look imature. Keep your name.
  22. me2 kthxbai
  23. If you guys think thats professional, then i can paste a design for a backround and text on it also...
  24. Justrec


    Lol you suck.
  25. I'll help you out but first, you have to answer this one question. 1) How old are you?
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