Dude thats just a backround with text. This site is dedicated Pikmin, he said he doesn't want the ".net" and the site phrase is "now, just more" Yours just looks plain.
I see you say that everytime theres something to do with GFX. You aren't the only one on this site that is good with gfx. Melos and Mattys are actually good.
Joined: November of 07 for the new site (PHPBB) Other Aliases:None? Posts: 500 Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?):Yes Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area?:Both. Also to help out. I've been helping out, but had my vip taken, then just stopped. Knowing that there is leaked content in there, do you support leaked content or frown upon it?: I Don't support it. Simple answers. Idgaf.
All of the gamertags with ThE CaPs AnD UnCaPs ArE lAmE jUsT LiK3 Th3 NuMB3RS In iT. Don;t do all the caps and uncaps. Makes you look imature. Keep your name.