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Everything posted by Osksoldier07

  1. yes i am.i tried other ai levels and they work fine so i guess it's just those two levels that mess up
  2. "flood city" and the other one i think is "war" for containment
  3. link doesnt work
  4. link doesnt work
  5. download link doesnt work
  6. really?because i have 2 ai maps and both freeze almost everytime i play
  7. nope it still freezes
  8. samus sonic marth ike fox link mario ness lucas mr.game and watch
  9. ill try it in a little bit, right now my bro's playing on xbox
  10. i got yelo to work and i turned on mp ai but it stil doesnt work edit-nevermind forgot to disable auto update,it works fine but floodcity freezes every once in a while.
  11. alright thx
  12. can you tell me what the XORED file is called?
  13. Osksoldier07

    ai maps

    the maps with ai dont work why?
  14. why cant i download this?
  15. links are broken
  16. link's broken
  17. srry about asking so many questions but,when i try it play flood city w/ai the ai never show up in the game its just me.how do i make the ai work?
  18. im usins 1 but i just downloaded 2,btw when i try to load a map,either the mod doesnt workor it says failed to load map
  19. yes im using Coolspots_map_resigner
  20. well when i patch DLC map the mod doesnt work, do i need to patch mainmenu.map?
  21. how come DLC levels wont let me mod them?
  22. i didn't know you needed the media file and the font file, but now it works so thx!!!btw how do you patch sppf files?
  23. i dont know how to take a screen shot,but if it helps i put default.xbe in games/halo 2 and then i made a maps folder and put in all the maps even mainmenu.map and shared.map
  24. but when i run the cd normally (not off my hard drive) it works fine but the mods arent there.
  25. whenever i select halo 2 from games on my xbox it says there is a problem with my cd. Why?
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