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Everything posted by .Chris

  1. bump LOL @ LEVEL 23
  2. I would have bought it and ebayed it
  3. AT&T
  4. What was it?
  5. .Chris


    thanks guys, 14
  6. thanks legacy
  7. .Chris


    its my birthday
  8. hi bored, im big4wheeler
  9. We should get one that counts unique hits a day.
  10. Pro Tools to.
  11. .Chris


    sucks for you, i dont know what it is though allthough i think my dad had one and it didnt feel to good.
  12. .Chris


    banned fo life.
  13. nice I checked my email before I seen this and didn't even notice so not a big deal.
  14. i ban you because you banned everyone and you can only ban the person above you. POWER *****
  15. Cesar is I Fallen Angel I and laxs is.. I can't think of it but give me time and ill edit it in.
  16. I'll play, don't have xbox live rate now since we had to move our router though. Planning on buying a wireless adapter though soon.
  17. e for eh
  18. pi squared
  19. i ban you because you have visited runeserver, were i havent in a long time and didn't know they had this.
  20. i ban you for not getting it.
  21. use teh banhamma on the person above you.
  22. When that screen comes up saying like you got 30 secs to select a boot mode, scroll up to last good configuration and hit enter.
  23. .Chris

    im back

    lol @ your sig i watched whole thing
  24. Awesome noscopes, can't wait to see that real montage.
  25. your mom was bored
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