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Everything posted by mtwomg

  2. mtwomg


    This chatlog is amazing. Why is jester not in prison.
  3. You earned the ban. For the past few weeks you have been banning me from the shoutbox when i wasn't online, when i was sleeping, etc. You got what you had coming.
  4. Re-enable my shoutbox and I'll donate.
  5. mtwomg


  6. post hidden by an administrator
  7. post hidden by an administrator
  8. Oh don't bother, just run the XBE on your free devkit from microsoft!
  9. mtwomg

    Custom Themes!

    Want to bet?
  10. mtwomg

    Custom Themes!

    Charging $1 is not money, it's a fee to prevent everyone from asking. Go get your account hacked again.
  11. Not all have the connections on the motherboard needed for a sidecar, and some that have the connections are missing the power connector.
  12. an old reviewer and demo would be about the same, but an old xenon reviewer would be cheaper than a xenon demo
  13. Feel free to provide corrections if there are any mistakes.
  14. mtwomg


    ffs. it's an international package, it's not coming any time soon. it just left the US on the 31st.
  15. mtwomg

    dev kit

    I have not sold it already, my new one is coming from a private source who will not sell to people on this fourm/people he doesn't know, and I'd sell it to anyone who wants it for $1000, a fair price considering what type of kit it is. Not that I expect you to buy it, but if you are interested message me on aim or msn
  16. mtwomg

    dev kit

    Special xboxes, you can't buy a "chip" and make a retail into a devkit, and I'm selling one atm. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?sh...c=14161&hl=
  17. oh lol
  18. Wow. This tool isn't for the average person, rather for anyone who has a dev.
  19. wow..... it's a thousand times better than anything the pubic had prior to yesterday.
  20. yes, but mod your xbox and get it for free instead
  21. My name is MTW and I approve this thread.
  22. another pathetic cry for attention from epsilon.
  23. You have fun with that dev you don't have, with that limited sdk that doesn't exist.
  24. I flame dss, and he's not staff. I'm not a noob, lol. I don't post outright lies on ibot.
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