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Everything posted by Randomrocket

  1. actually if you look where you're name is, then all the way to the far right, you will see that you were actually second...
  2. dear god....
  3. Good Question...... Did the voices tell you to do anything else?
  4. so..... question answered on what it was? lol
  5. looks like a standard power cable you would use to power a case fan from a mobo on a computer.... they the same?
  6. I don't really like it because Im pretty sure the Green Lantern was black...... lol and that alien dude looked really retarded....
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jps_T8wID8&feature=autofb Looks tight. Thoughts??
  8. When Im on a hot streak in a game and doing amazing.... It doesnt happen often but when it does, Its beautiful what I can do
  9. I woulda been up there in a millisecond! Bill Nye is awesome
  10. they should make it the same price as linux.....lol
  11. I hope so man....cuz you know Microsoft is only going to take it to .....
  12. Yeah but it isnt really useful yet....
  13. this They're ripping everybody off as it is for Xbox Live and Windows 7. Go die in a hole microsoft
  14. maybe transform ibm into a computer site/ gaming site? put more emphasis behind comps and we'd have more visitors.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gruntmods


      convince peachy to partner with me ;)
    3. Lockon


      Peach, partner with Grunts.
    4. Sphere


      Grunts partner with peach



  15. its crap like this that makes me want to go to microsoft and take a dump in all of their coffee cups.....
  16. uber bump on an old topic man
  17. I likey. You are really good at AAE. Have you ever gotten into making home made videos with your friends? I've made a couple zombie videos with them and they turned out pretty good. Not nearly as good but still really good.
  18. Why didn't they leave the options to select the zombie by winner, chump or random? In games like Duck Hunt, it would be good to have those options...
  19. bleh ODST sucked imo. no multiplayer. (woohoo Halo 3 multiplayer on a disk) I love the customization in Reach (forge and custom games at least I dont care for player model that much). There are just a few bugs in multiplayer that annoy the crap out of me. Do they really consider infection to choose a random person to be the zombie each time?? Ive gone entire games being nothing but the zombie sometimes.... its retarded
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