Silly nubs! I believe Anth0ny or Shade or one of them modded to has recon back when the first highground mod was released. There was a big deal about it at *****...the guy who did it said there was some kind of check on XBL though and anyone who tried to sign in with modded recon lost it. But it is possible! It's been done before! Don't let any nubs tell you otherwise.
Learn BB code. And if you're showing off a mod, use images LARGER than regulation avatar size...please. And finally for posting a mod, please include either a fileshare link to a saved film, a standard fileshare link (risky), a usermap download, or an invite to viral customs.
I have a server attacking tool, which as some of you may know can be used as a host booter. I have a network bridge set up and poisened in Cain. I have Commview up and running, as well as the server attacker. do I get the I.P. address and port number to put in Server Attack? I can't figure it out! I've tried about everything and can't boot the host! EditZ: I've used every IP on XBOX port in Commview and used the default port, 88, and 3074 and none of that works...
Firefox 3.0. Not compatible. I have all the flash & other media based plug-ins, but so far have installed no extra add-ons. Safari works fine. Haven't tried I.E. and I'm sure not going to.
It looks like it's IN that format he just doesn't know how to highlite the text and insert his own! Lulz! ^.^ Seriously...who botches up a direct link? Maybe next time.
Really? I've tryed myself many times and it never shows up in the recent maps list... O well I guess just to be safe you should stick to YouTube & Geevee.
I have the film. I just downloaded the map from watching the film. I'd take the film down now If I were you, and in the future be sure to release clips if you don't want it released. And don't worry, I won't spread it if you don't want me to.
Wow, that actually worked. It still says the port's closed, but I'm getting a much stronger connection and can actually reach a lot of seeds. There's really not enough seeds on mine to say for sure, but I think this is pretty much solved.