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Everything posted by nexuscore

  1. xbl resigners exist?
  2. damn thanks for the info
  3. im probably not gonna make this because it is indeed too hard but i will still give it a try
  4. nexuscore

    SPG stuff...

    i found a site with a lot of spg and saves but eh...what is this vip 2.0?? is it a forum here only for vip members?
  5. nexuscore

    i need some DLC

    could someone upload the army of two SCC DLC and the GOW 2 DLC for me please? also say in what folder it should be and if you upload, please put it on rapidshare the reason i want this is because when i download it myself on my xbox(with my very slow internet), i cant play halo 3 while i download it and when i download it on my pc, i can limit the speed of the download while i play halo 3 ^^ thanks if someone helps me
  6. nexuscore

    SPG stuff...

    what is vip 2.0? :s
  7. nexuscore

    SPG stuff...

    i would like to do spg glitches but it is so hard to find the profiles/saved games so if anyone could upload some spgs for me or give me an invite to any site where i can download them it would be very appreciated also, i have an spg profile for army of two but i cant get it to work, does anyone know how to do this? thanks
  8. for the xbox 360, i always use dvd-dl to burn, games but now i want to burn old xbox games(halo 2 for example), but this game does not fit on a normal dvd and i dont want to burn old xbox games on the expensive dvd dls so is it just my version of halo 2 that is this big? or are there any other halo 2 versions that fit on normal dvd disks?
  9. but spg is fixed in NXE...?
  10. i think of them at different times, and when i use 1 topic, ppl might n,ot look there because they think all questions are answered...
  11. i am trying to edit my gow2 seriously 2.0 but so far with no success i want to make it 100000+ kills i found my current amount of kills and i convert to decimal and then i search in a hex editor, i save it but the value in game does not change... can someone help me with this?
  12. thanks for the info, so rehashing is only for halo 3?
  13. i dont understand these things -.- can someone explain this to me please?
  14. is it possible to resign/rehash files that are bigger than 1mb? what tool do i use for this?
  15. nexuscore

    Blue shadowz

    i can has invite?
  16. i can has source?
  17. they all start with usermapxxxxxx or filmxxxxxx so its kinda easy to sort them and give extensions it will also include automatically find all halo files on the hdd and copy them to their respective folders, same for putting it back on the hdd..easy i just hope i can get it to work with the fatx filesystem >.<
  18. i am thinking to make some kind of halo AIO tool it would copy the halo files from the hdd and give them different extensions this way. the files are stored is folders like "screenshots" and "usermaps" and when you right click such a file, you can easily choose to edit with a tool or resign/rehash for example if you right click a film, you see an extra option in the context menu to edit the film with for example vanity. the purpose of this program is actually to associate halo 3 files with the editing programs what do you think of this idea? should i go for it? or do you prefer opening the map in a tool instead of with a right click on the map(of course double click would work too) any ideas are welcome
  19. i would like an invite for one (or both) these sites i would really appreciate it sorry if i should not ask this here, then please move/delete this post
  20. so there is no way to remove it?
  21. vanity is a good program and the ones that did not work were over 1mb... thanks for your help
  22. i dont wear mark vi and it is impossible to mod a film that is over 1mb? yesterday evening, i was checking all my films and i discovered that there was 1 that was succesfully modded i am pretty sure it is over 1 mb and i have no idea how i did it >.<
  23. yes i use that one con edits v2
  24. why cant i edit my films/clips? i change armor, resign/rehash with CONcept and put it on my 360 hdd in halo 3 it says it is corrupt and the ones that work havent changed at all(original armor) could you please make a quick tutorial with what programs i should use
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