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Everything posted by lol7dayban

  1. lol7dayban

    I Need Help

    Thats what you do, you buy a retail xbox from walmart and swap out the innards, return it and get full cash back.
  2. You where on some 40-odd days ago. It makes me sad.
  3. Yep, solo insanity. But once you do it, you can start up a co-op on casual and pick up from when you S&Q'd and it will still be unlocked.
  4. My room is like 6x8. I more or less live in my basement. TV/PS2/XBOX/GAMECUBE/2x360'S/dvd player Couch Air matress Sauna workout bench. Workshop Laptop 2x Desktops Coupla Dressers etc/pics to come when I get batteries.
  5. Mad chaffing, and look at the shoulder pads, you get like no rotation/movement.
  6. lol7dayban


    EDIT: Nvm, lag.
  7. Cannot Be Displayed Lul'd.
  8. lol7dayban

    Film Editors

    At this point I am just collecting em cause everybody asks.
  9. lol7dayban

    Film Editors

    I haz 6.
  10. It's a bot you idiot, it can't copy and paste. It just posts Bungie threads and a link to them.
  11. He wants to know what you meant when you said 'I can mod my profile with this' He wants to know what you can do.
  12. Yeah, someone got pwnd pretty hard.
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