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Everything posted by Relapse

  1. Trying to figure out how I'm -3 in Rep.....
  2. Trying to figure out how I'm -3 in Rep.....
  3. Trying to figure out how I'm -3 in Rep.....
  4. WHY DO YOU GUYS KEEP POSTING A LINK TO THE SAME QUIZ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  5. Why do you guys keep posting new links to the same quiz?
  6. You can win a copy of the Prestige MW2, just take the survey, in order to win you need to answer 10/10 questions right, if you don't answer all 10 right then you aren't going to win. Link>>> WIN PRESTIGE COD: MW2!!!!!<
  7. What is the point in finding all the Teddy's and all that? Its not an achievement, do you get something for it?
  8. I just plug my camera in and it automatically installs to my computer, I don't have to do anything.
  9. ^^ You can charge people like a 1month or something for Netflix
  10. Lol why not? You on a child account or something?
  11. UPDATE: Released by MS on MajorNelson.com Halo2 is not going anywhere for the time being at least
  12. First off before you flame me, I was joking about it being too much. Second you think I give a damn about looking "Professional" on a website?.....No I don't.
  13. Too much work.
  14. It was posted August 11th....2 weeks is not considered "Old news"
  15. They're doing it so they can make it so you can have more than 100 friends
  16. I know this is the wrong section but in the Xbox section it won't get noticed. Halo2 is going to be dead forever PLAY IT WHILE YOU STILL CAN News: Microsoft to close Halo 2 Servers - Strategy Informer OR http://www.oxm.co.uk/article.php?id=12765
  17. $50 is a bit much unless of course its got like a year trial on it or something.
  18. I bridge and I need a standbyer for Team Doubles if you can standby please reply to this, I am looking to get my 50 in Doubles and I have barely played Doubles so if you have a negative EXP account it will only take 20-25 games to do so, I can also bridge you in whatever playlist you want in return.
  19. Ok, I got a 1month for my account but now I need another one so I can negative EXP it in Halo3 to boost Anybody? You can join up also doesn't matter to me.
  20. Already used my 1months on my xbox that's why I need a code....And I said I'm broke as a joke right now or I would get one from GS.
  21. I really need a 1 Month bad, My account ran out and I'm broke as a joke can somebody please give me a 1month, I can give you a Seriously 1.0, 2.0 or Rank100 account in return.
  22. Couldn't he of just got un IP banned? lol
  23. Thought you weren't allowed to advertise :/
  24. Anybody else try it yet?
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