You can win a copy of the Prestige MW2, just take the survey, in order to win you need to answer 10/10 questions right, if you don't answer all 10 right then you aren't going to win. Link>>> WIN PRESTIGE COD: MW2!!!!!<
First off before you flame me, I was joking about it being too much. Second you think I give a damn about looking "Professional" on a website?.....No I don't.
I know this is the wrong section but in the Xbox section it won't get noticed. Halo2 is going to be dead forever PLAY IT WHILE YOU STILL CAN News: Microsoft to close Halo 2 Servers - Strategy Informer OR
I bridge and I need a standbyer for Team Doubles if you can standby please reply to this, I am looking to get my 50 in Doubles and I have barely played Doubles so if you have a negative EXP account it will only take 20-25 games to do so, I can also bridge you in whatever playlist you want in return.
Ok, I got a 1month for my account but now I need another one so I can negative EXP it in Halo3 to boost Anybody? You can join up also doesn't matter to me.
I really need a 1 Month bad, My account ran out and I'm broke as a joke can somebody please give me a 1month, I can give you a Seriously 1.0, 2.0 or Rank100 account in return.