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Everything posted by LegacySucks

  1. yay thats what i am saying. I LOVE U dec
  2. k i am re posting this because someone moved it, plz make a serious reply i had like only one person make a reply saying how we could be better out of the 20, oh another thing that i will think will make ibotmodz better. less laying down of the rules. Off topic doesn't haft to have every single post in it. General discussion could have a topic to find a web long lost games that you want to download. That doesnt need to be moved. thats doesnt seem like spam or off topic. So maybe mods could lay off some of the rules..... society does it all the time, a cop doesn't always give you a ticket if your speeding, you can sometimes get a warning. Let me start off by saying i couldn't think of a title so i just kinda made one up on the spot. In this topic if you reply i expect your reply to be constructive, just don't say "this sucks about ibotmodz", say ways on how we can change that crap. K you may be confused on what i am talking about. Everyone knows that ibotmodz kinda has been dying there is alot of reason. Some people have been leaving cause halo modding sucks, some people left because of the asses here. In this topic i want everyone to make a reply saying how could ibotmodz be better change be more funner i think we should advance from more then tech stuff. Have more fun topics like posta pic of your self. or maybe even have contest who can take the funniest, creepiest pic of them selves stuff like that. Even have halo 3 contest who can make the best pic that some how represents ibotmodz. i think that would make our site better still make the theme tech just kinda advance on the community aspect of it. And also by doing this we will be gaining members that are funny fun and enjoyable to be around. Not just boring halo people (no offense to those people) the halo people come and go. if we have someone that is involved in contest and the community if everything this site modded kinda dies they will stay because there is still something to do. -Legacy (ahah my first serious topic in awhile) oh message to peach, change my password on my gfx account to anything you want just pm the password to this account, I cant get onto my email atm (for like a week) and i can prove i am legacy, both of our ip's they should both be the 74..... blah blah (i have different ips those both our the same) and i am sending you a offline message on msn right now just to prove it.
  3. woops i said i can name 3 states i ment to say 0 ;P but i lived in the us for a cpuple pf months so thats maybe why i can usaully name 40 off my head and if i really tried i am sure i can name all off them
  4. there was a test in the us and most americans didnt.. then again they were adults so they were not taught them like the younger generations
  5. can anyone from the us name 3 canadian provinces i am just wondering dont cheat or anything honestly say if you can if you tried right now without cheating (looking up on the internet0 and Canadians can you name 10 American states i went around in my school to see if people could. most people could (more than 9 outa 10) i can name 10 states _legacy
  6. err how is that spam? making a big topic on ow we can make ibotmodz better is spam. the definition of spam. Stupid Pointless Annoying Message so is trying to make ibotmodz better in a community sense. My friend right beside me (Sephiroth69) said "the reason i left iBotModz is because the people were not fun anymore" what does that say. The reason i have been gone is that reason. Look nielsss, anarchy, melo, sweeney, blacklablefosho etc all huge members of ibotmodz all mostly left because the community sucked and people were @ssH#$%. you could of just like deleted his comment. And you didnt even bother making a suggestion either no one has. sorry if it sounded like a was mad, i am actually calm
  7. Let me start off by saying i couldn't think of a title so i just kinda made one up on the spot. In this topic if you reply i expect your reply to be constructive, just don't say "this sucks about ibotmodz", say ways on how we can change that crap. K you may be confused on what i am talking about. Everyone knows that ibotmodz kinda has been dying there is alot of reason. Some people have been leaving cause halo modding sucks, some people left because of the asses here. In this topic i want everyone to make a reply saying how could ibotmodz be better change be more funner i think we should advance from more then tech stuff. Have more fun topics like posta pic of your self. or maybe even have contest who can take the funniest, creepiest pic of them selves stuff like that. Even have halo 3 contest who can make the best pic that some how represents ibotmodz. i think that would make our site better still make the theme tech just kinda advance on the community aspect of it. And also by doing this we will be gaining members that are funny fun and enjoyable to be around. Not just boring halo people (no offense to those people) the halo people come and go. if we have someone that is involved in contest and the community if everything this site modded kinda dies they will stay because there is still something to do. -Legacy (ahah my first serious topic in awhile) oh message to peach, change my password on my gfx account to anything you want just pm the password to this account, I cant get onto my email atm (for like a week) and i can prove i am legacy, both of our ip's they should both be the 74..... blah blah (i have different ips those both our the same) and i am sending you a offline message on msn right now just to prove it.
  8. boil the noodlys until they a cooked empty out the water add some milk (not to much) and butter and the cheese s*** then stur it together YAY
  9. post in this topic what you are doing i am about to eat some lucky charms and making some kd ahah basically like ibotmodz twittter
  10. its funny canada is great
  11. ummm i am back probably until exams, but i may be away next week and also during the first half of xmas break. <3's yay i dont feel like typing -Legacy aahha
  12. Trig is easy if you sit there for 5 mins thinking about it,2 but i got an extra period to do it because ive been away. but substitution and elimination do the same thing, its kinda like should we put out the fire with sand or water but math is on of my better subjects so basically i got substitution and elimination during the test but i am pretty sure the usa calls substitution and elimination something different
  13. can i use the song for a progect at school. for a video we are making a parody for James bond and i may use it for a montage
  14. finally one of these sites for canada since i paint balll i am gonna check it out i gave you a referl anyways i am not sure if we are aloud to advertise but what ever its win win so i dont care.
  15. just for the sake of nothing this should be bumped
  16. ahahah what some dumb luck for me today. Ok in math class i wasnt so hot on this unit. trigonometry substitution and elimination, etc etc (And algebra) long frickin test >.> but i went into it like knowing a little bit of trig.. and algebra my friend was like "YOU ARE GOING TO FAIL" same with kayley (friend) ahahahha I GOT A 97% ahahahah joe got a 98 percent so second best but it was great because like kayley and a couple my friends got like 60 - 80's they were like WTF so basically i learned trig, substitution and elimination and more little units that i sucked at during the test. o btw i did the test on thurs and got it back today if you were wondering. -LEGERCY
  17. http://shop.west49.com/images/products/51sh/51SHDC--M8O.jpg couldnt find the ones i got, but these are the ones i was thinking about getting which are like these but mulity colored and pink and black rofl i loooooove them
  18. u look rly tired.
  19. yup so in this topic you say what you did that was embarrassing or funaaai that happen to you. Try to post in here once a week. ok i will start with 2. these both happen in like the past 5 days Ok i was in math class i wasnt really listening to the teacher and was listening to music and i didnt know it was was loud. K there was a silent momment in the class when everyone wass thinking. And after about like 5 seconds of EVERiONE LOOKS AT ME. And literally everyone. and i was just thinking *Do i smell* and guess what the song i was blaring, i kissed a girl, then after about like 3 seconds of them staring i leaned over to my friend and i said. "I think they can here my music" and i didnt know i said that in a normal voice not a quite voise since the music was loud. ahah kinda embarrassing but funny now for my other. K yesterday night me and 3 friends were really bored so we decided to play hide n seek in the dark. and after we got bored i deiced to invent a game. K heres the rules © You spin around for 20 seconds, (so your dizzy) the person that is it comes out and says 5-10 seconds to hide (we played 5) so then you run dizzy and try to find i hiding spot. Really where ever you fall you hide. AHAH injuries. I Pulled my shoulder pretty badly. AAND CUTS i ran into a thorn bush, he couldnt find me xD -LEGACY
  20. ahah thats a goood thing because i was gonna go on with more people, but i didnt feel like it after i got done with your name, so i ended it with mah balllz -Legacy sucks, subs rock
  21. YOU are a sexai beast
  22. uhhhh ooooooooooooooooooooo i love rick mercer, he is bitchiiinnnn (yeah alll canadians know who i am talking about) hmmmmmm i am really rllly rrrreeallllly reaally realai reellii reallllllly railt reolly reeelllllii reallly supper duper booorrrrrred hah try to say i copied and pasterd you know who is also awesome, PHILIP DEFRANCO he is probably god or something....... sorry if legacy hasnt been on he sucks............... and busy and to be admiring his sexai ballss (which are sexai i might had) I WONDER HOW I KNOW o.O DO WHAT UUUU WANNN BECAUZ I PIRATTTE IZ FREE UU ARREEEE A PIRATE. YAWR RRRRRRWWW FREGGGRRRRIIGII BeInG A Pirate IS $%#^%# AWESOME. AND GOMF SOMETHING SHELL IS AWESOME. Soryy capppy lock so what has ibotmodz been up to. SHUT UP MELO ughhh i am so bored and dont wannt to end typing this... sooo umm melo is a sexai b**** i might add same with sweeney laxitives death grip (Legacy always compliments him on his "Grip". I WONDER WHO HE GOT THAT AHAHAHHAHA * peachy anarchy, snaily, niellsss, blacklable, AND MORE MORE MORE ARE SEXAI.... AND SUBS, AND LEGACYs BALLS hmmm we shouldnt end at legacys balls.... why dont we end wih a question ARE YOU A PIRATE? -LEGACYS SUCKS ALOT aucually i lied ij didnt ewnd it on a question, sorry. Hmmm now you giez are gonna exapect me to carry on. If you achually are still reading if you are WOOOW I WANNA HAVE SEXAI TIME WIT UUU AHAHHA who is acully still reading, you guys are true pirates. FRIG I AHVE AHD THE PRIATE SONG BLASTING INTO MY THIS ENTIRE TIME http://cristgaming.com/pirate.swf\ I AM PRIRAATE LALALALALA sooo........ hmmmm i really bored right now and sorry for the immiture topic... this makes up for the months i missed oh if you are still listening this is secret that noone must knowww i ammm LEGACY (AHAH KINDA LIKE I AM CANADIAN) but i cant end it taht cause everyone will know hmmm o bye the way ^^^ there i wasnt legacy i just tuurned into legacy cause i started to talking about leagcy and i talked about him so much taht i am legacy.. OHH I AM GGONNA make this topic have a smily. POOOOP i pressed enter sooo what up. I MADE IT A HEART!!! I AM A PRIATE LAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAA DO YOU WHAT YOU CAUSE U A FREAKIN PIRATE. there i am done
  23. LegacySucks


    i liked thosepaint drawing i wanted him to have the gfx instead of dumb leggercy (who is infact really sexai) I LOVE HEROES GREAT HIRO DRAWING <3 yay -LegacySucks
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