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Everything posted by LegacySucks

  1. do this with your own discretion i am not responsible if you **** up your ipod, this also may void the warrent of the devise. Ive only jail broken one ipod in my life so im in no way a expert (it was a long time ago to) You should do more research on this before you try it but i will get you started. k this willl answer your question if you can jail break your ipod. First download f0recast http://ih8sn0w.com/index.php/welcome.snow (you need .net framework 2 http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/6/7/567758a3-759e-473e-bf8f-52154438565a/dotnetfx.exe) and heres a couple youtube vids that should help http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4lTArBfBPs now that you kinda have an idea what you doing (i know i posted two differnt ways of jailbreaking) Go on that first link i gave you and go on there forums and check out there tutorials. They will be way more accurate and descriptive than anything i can give you. but the rest is up for you i hope i helped, ask more questions if you need to. i h8 snow has a nice forum that will be more help than here (its centered around ipods) and sorry to advertise another forum but in this case i think its alright. -legacy
  2. lawl
  3. k ima lazy so someone do me a summary lol
  4. Eminem- puke Smoke weed- Kotton mouth kings When the shit goes down - CYPRESS HILL The way i am- Em Butterfly- Crazy town Changes- Tupac Crazy bitch- buckcherry Time to pretend- MGMT im so sick- flyleaf (only one of the versions though lol) remember the name fort minor and my favourite music video even though the song is kinda annoying is watch it.
  5. lol i remember that. i think we should bring back the old sites skin.
  7. ahhhahahahhahahah i strill think ive had the most account lol ive had 10 or more or something around those lines lol
  8. I thought this would be interesting, i was gone for awhile and alot people changed there names. So i thought this topic would be interesting for new members as well as old members. Post your name changes and your real name. (if you want lol) When i first joined ibotmodz way back when it first started i was "ass" lol. I got banned for a day the first day i joined lol. So i made a new account like a month later Xx Legacy xX, i got the idea from Xx Anarchy xX. And the name legacy it just felt right. So now im legacy sucks i guess. Ive had a bunch name changes but they all had legacy in them since then. yaaaayyyyyyyy lol oh and my real name is Brandon.
  9. i never knew what the song was lol i found it on limewire.
  10. yeeeee lol http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs448.ash1/24679_1429798587458_1307648404_31224691_1767656_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs272.ash1/19936_333314746755_503026755_4764574_1288879_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs450.ash1/24772_114372628582528_100000293733057_207220_665417_n.jpg and i thought this was funny of my old chill pad/ shitty ass garage lol. Yess that says rapist poodle bitch in the background http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs224.snc1/7129_1226202371155_1111890254_693687_2455393_n.jpg
  11. im bumping the crap out of this
  12. i cried a little when i saw these lol or maybe it cause im listening to dynomite but i can never see these again ahaahah ill post my pics in next reply so this isnt to confusing lol
  13. yay, i still cant beleive how long i was off the site for. Gears of war 3 looks awesome! but i am going to hate it lol
  14. i just got another xbox it has rrod but ill fix. o btw wats the best way to fix that ive done the penny tricxk b4 but is there better way to fix it. but whats new with everyone. If anyone doesnt know me im a member from way back and my origanal account is ****** because it got hacked. (Xx Legacy xX) umm im still living in canada i just moved from London (ON not eng lol) back to kingston (CRACK TOWN) and only probaly fattwam and cpl other ppl will know what i am talking about there ahahah.
  15. that would be sick if you made a whole web site like that. I can picture it!!!
  16. thats sick, did u use the pen tool thing?
  17. i remember u and guess what i am back 2 i dont have my Xx Legacy xX acc though
  18. The meaning to life is plastic. The earth needed us to make plastic now that it has is it one day we all will kill poof like a bad case of fleas xD
  19. LegacySucks


    whats new
  20. sorry but i wont be on for awhile i dont know how long it may be a coupe days it may be a month.
  22. AAHAHA 6 months has past from me having a serious sig and here u go laxitves yay cnc v1 v2 v3
  23. If i can i will try to be active there. Its hard to be active on ibotmodz atm.
  24. ahah sad thing is mt and my sister drink really maple syrup from the bottle and hey6 i do some times say eh but the aboot s*** is a lie
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