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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. yup, they test changes on pnet.
  2. oops lol, that was a copy paste post, ill fix the link with the one in my sig.
  3. gruntmods

    Bioshock 2

    nope, it just came out today silly havnt even had the chance to download it yet.
  4. Heres how it works, sign up for hostgator with this link and hostgator will give me a referral fee, I will give you part of that money back to pay for your first month! Also, use coupon code GREEN to save an additional 20%. http://secure.hostgator.com/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=gruntlord6
  5. Yes it does, happend to my friend.
  6. the trash can is bullet proof, he didn't move it in time.
  7. all the releases work with win 7, well from the main site anyway. http://www.disk-tools.com/request?p=0ec7378c51035b9ef4d376359b8165fa/DTLite4355-0068.exe
  8. that movie is way older then that, like early 80`s old, video was uploaded 2006.
  9. Mount the bin file
  10. Jtag is mostly hardware, as you use the Jtag port. Thus the exploit name.
  11. Nope.
  12. gruntmods


    macs are the exact same just more expensive, look at the parts used.
  13. dude, everyone I know uses xclamp, they have no problems after 2 years.
  14. ^^^^^^^^
  15. You have yet to come up with a valid reason why he is not trustworthy, other then shit coming from your ass.
  16. because im not comparing them, im comparing your ability to understand them, and con files are simple, if you cant understand that, why would you understand how the 360 works?
  17. Typing on a netbook isn't easy thank you. Second, Games go gold before they are released meaning they are done being made, naturally the focus would shift to new content.
  18. gruntmods


    Im not sure what you mean by that last part though.
  19. gruntmods


    its called linux, either windows or linux, mac is a crappy unix knock off that is sold for cash. Linux is made by the people for free, Obvious choice. Also, Ive used a mac, the crappy OS made the core 2 duo 2.5 ghz, 4gb ram slow as ****, there were almost no programs installed.
  20. This is bullshit. They make the LDC after the game. Why charge? Well maybe in a wonderful world where everyone gets things for free and don`t have to pay bills and by food and clothing then this would make sense. Until then it doesn`t. It costs the developers money to make the expansions, no matter how good their intentions, they need to cover the cost of making the DLC. I have never heard of a developer holding items out and releasing it as DLC, except in an EA fishing game, where the DLC was on the disk and was just unlocked by downloading a file. If you have a problem with it don`t buy it. No one is forcing y7ou to buy DLC, or play games or breath. Its all your choice, so deal with it.
  21. just like to add that he doesnt understand how con files work, so why would he comprehend this?
  22. gruntmods


    OH GOD WHY! Its the two worst combos, A mac and an all in one!
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