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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. Step 1: Step 2: Identify Map, Then Swap Items This step is easier then the last one. Open up Forge 2.6. Then just open the map you dragged in step 1 to your desktop. Then click on the group in the sidebar where your item is held. I am going to swap the wraith on this map for a master chief clone. http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q430/gruntlord6/pic5.jpg http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q430/gruntlord6/pic6.jpg http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q430/gruntlord6/pic7.jpg http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q430/gruntlord6/pic8.jpg http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q430/gruntlord6/pic9.jpg Then select the group of the item you will swap it with. In this case thats the bipd group. Then click the item in the group you want, and click save. Then Rehash and Resign.
  2. be more grateful because hes the reason you were born.
  3. He peed himself running.
  4. A.K.A Ipod touch
  5. Its useless for modding though, and it involves them going out and buying an sd card reader, this is barely related.
  6. except the RCMP has almost no jurisdiction in our homes. not to mention no one has been tried, and I doubt anyone will be.
  7. I actually like the zune.
  8. I swear to ******* god halo 3
  9. They arnt encrypted.
  10. Ill bid 1.00$ jk Im not sure, maybe poke around a fan forum.
  11. Donors arn`t censored **** yea!
  12. Maybe if you smoke crack you would belive that, they make a huge profit on cheap parts. I had a decent experience with dell, but I hear and see horror stories with OEMs all the time, including HP,Dell and ACER, though acer is the worst.
  13. Nope, they use a proprietary linux file system.
  14. It doesnt, its a fatx explorer.
  15. how is that fail?
  16. thats the worst option possible.
  17. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3295/3762931996_54d7340559.jpg
  18. Indeed, 3 days of online is not worth 200$ extra.
  19. that wasnt obvious.......
  20. added to msn.
  21. Im the true grunt
  22. I dont know you.......
  23. someone was bored
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