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Everything posted by Styrofolme

  1. definitely has some malware on it. Didn't make it past my virus protection though. Most of the trojans seem to be in the keygen folder. Just don't add anything extra.
  2. Don't be silly. There are no such things as prostitutes. It's a conspiracy, man.
  3. Styrofolme

    Halo Pc Modz

  4. Google search "audacity" proffit.
  5. why not spend the $30 for a usb receiver?
  6. Definitely not mine. I just wish it was, which is why I'm standing next to it like it's mine. It's a '57 Bel Air. From what I could tell, the restoration was flawless. It really was beautiful. I paid a mod a late night visit. He didn't know I didn't take checks, so I told him this was the next best thing.
  7. Name's Styro. No one here knows me entirely, which is why I decided to put a face to a name. I'm 18 (just so we're clear on that). I like punk rock. I attempt at Graphic Design, although by pro standard, I look ridiculous. I like to read books. I play video games for recreation. I love Halo 3, Halo CE, and CSS. I dig old school games (N64 is oldschool, btw). I know more about computers than the average person, but less than the average computer nerd. If you request a program, cd, or what-have-you, I will do my best to upload. I seed. I debate. http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/7862/dsc01713bg2ne6.jpg My old band (left) http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/9826/joplinandjeff016wi0.jpg Taken tonight in Jefferson City. I love '57s. http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/2676/joplinandjeff014pt5.jpg Chillin' at my mom's with my sister's kids. http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/7708/1002356ud4.jpg Since Lax broke out the "gf and the friends gf" pic..... Here's my hat in the ring. This is after doing hallucinogenic enemas, which explains why we're so cracked out. OHAI! http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/4819/1002361mp3.jpg
  8. http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/1513172/9124424/ live torrent. Apparently this is an old version, but the latest version doesn't turn up atm. I'm sure you can manage though. P.S., I'm dling this right now. I'll let you know if my pavilion explodes.
  9. Alright. I tried it, but I ran into trouble. I wonder if it has something to do with sp3? I don't really remember what went wrong, but I'll post screen caps when I'm not overwhelmed with homework I'm procrastinating on.
  10. When you find out what model your laptop is, use this website to direct you to the right kind of RAM. I would recommend you buy from newegg.com after you confirm which product you need. You motherboard, unless you have upgraded or your computer was built very recently (which is doubtful, seeing as you don't even have 1gig), will most likely only support 2 gigs. If you're looking to upgrade more, you would be better off buying a new computer. Motherboards and CPUs aren't what I call cheap.
  11. Never told me to travel safe. Thanks, dick.
  12. Sorry for the bump, but I'm going to have to try this on my desktop. Thank you very much.
  13. I'm pretty disappointed this time around. At least in 2 and 3 they had some punk. Now I have to resort to playing Sex Pistols and Blink 182, both of which I grew pretty sick of when I was in junior high. Not even rockabilly. They could have at least thrown in something I can slash my wrists to.
  14. One of my dad's buddies has a '96 Supra with a twin turbo. It's freaking crazy. And no, It's not stock. This was before a couple grand in upgrades. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9p-Uh4xCWjQ
  15. Rules 1 & 2 D: Getting a girl is easy. Getting an attractive girl is harder. Getting a girl that will do all the things you want her to do is impossible. /thread.
  16. Not a ********. Just elitist. I'm 18 btw. I lurk a lot.
  17. Good wallpaper. Color is overrated (inb4 racist). The only problem I can see with it is that people would be thinking "Why do you have an IBM wallpaper?".
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