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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. Homosexual
  2. Dude this looks sick! And id help you mate, but my xbox is also dead :'[
  3. .MeLo♥

    Firefox help

    Just uninstall and NEVER save your passwords to firefox That has to be the dumbest thing ever, if someone hacks your computer, your overwith haha. Just reinstall and write your passwords down on a real life notepad or something. Or you could always just remember it
  4. I got hosting that you can use to host the files off of , Instead of lame media fire. Its an actual directory, much more sufficient / fast / easy.
  5. Anyone play? Lets play Now
  6. .MeLo♥

    Gift For Melo

    Awesome man, thanks a million
  7. Whoa really?!?!!? Thats so awesome!!!!... Win Win squared
  8. .MeLo♥

    3D text Sig

    Awesome dude! You should make me one
  9. Awesome! Thanks for the share estaban
  10. Are we scrubbing gfx section?
  11. Dude thats titties, Start selling them here
  12. Oh baby! Big ol moderator
  13. .MeLo♥

    2 Thing

    Lol dude you just added text, your going to get raped for ripping someones work Just download photoshop and make them they are easy
  14. .MeLo♥


    Dude your first on looks SO familiar, IS this milkman?
  15. Yea, Egypt is pretty much screwed, Because the majority of egypt is lower class, so all they were getting for food needs, was pig, And now without the provision of pigs, and the need of pigs going up , there will be a LOT more deaths. Fail
  16. Hey, make ME proud boy!
  17. I ment "If" And you cant just take someones work, erase there names and put your on it. Sorry not gonna do it
  18. My day has been quite good haha but sorry to hear your troubles
  19. Oh, well thank you very much for the compliment, im flattered
  20. Ill do it, but do you have permission?" Need a screenshot of it id you do
  21. Who is memo? Old Username: xXx melo xXx (thought it was so cool) Month/Year of join: Oh man, dont know month, but 2006 What else do you remember in the good ol' days of iBotModz: How everyone was just so chill, we had about 100 moderating groups, and all of our members were active, such good times
  22. Dont insult me, Ive been here way longer and probably have done more **** than you , so with the up most respect, Gtfo
  23. You've got to be kidding me. Dont insult me with accusations. But anyway, before i go, id like to give the two new staff members here, as i think they will be a great edition, and i love em both Fatal: http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/bleach-1.png Yung: http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/godsykestlk.png (Dont be sad it doesnt have a lot of effects, its a realism piece.)
  24. Great share, thank you for this mate
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