Just uninstall and NEVER save your passwords to firefox That has to be the dumbest thing ever, if someone hacks your computer, your overwith haha. Just reinstall and write your passwords down on a real life notepad or something. Or you could always just remember it
Yea, Egypt is pretty much screwed, Because the majority of egypt is lower class, so all they were getting for food needs, was pig, And now without the provision of pigs, and the need of pigs going up , there will be a LOT more deaths. Fail
Who is memo? Old Username: xXx melo xXx (thought it was so cool) Month/Year of join: Oh man, dont know month, but 2006 What else do you remember in the good ol' days of iBotModz: How everyone was just so chill, we had about 100 moderating groups, and all of our members were active, such good times
You've got to be kidding me. Dont insult me with accusations. But anyway, before i go, id like to give the two new staff members here, as i think they will be a great edition, and i love em both Fatal: http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/bleach-1.png Yung: http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/godsykestlk.png (Dont be sad it doesnt have a lot of effects, its a realism piece.)