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Everything posted by Quickkill0

  1. Haha its all cool i kinda already figured someone would say something like that but i might be able to start doing h3 vids but you gotta give me some time.
  2. The video would be like a wmv that you could post on youtube if you wanted you could do whatever you wanted with it as far as an h3 video i havnt quite figured out the whole dev to retail thing thats another reason i need one for testing.
  3. Well see this is why i felt i should ask
  4. Wtf lmao
  5. Hi all its me Quickkill0 if you don't know me well that's to bad =P.Well ill get to the point as many of you have probably already seen I'm trying to earn some cash for a retail xbox so I've been thinking bout ways to earn some cash and i had an idea why not give people the chance to make they're own mods and watch them in action.So i want your opinion on whether or not you would want this here's how it would work. 5$ - You make the mod and i record it and give you a video of all the stuff you did and it in action. 10$ - I make the map to your specifications and record it and give the video to you.
  6. Lol no its ok but yah like i said its not really possible at the moment to swap objects from one map to another.The map isnt skinned its a shader swap if you dont know what shaders are they are basically the images colors and textures in the map.The map was shader swapped to that of a pallet.
  7. Im not going to flame you but dont accuse me of not having a life becuase i had some spare time and thought i would make something,So i have a life i have a gf and i have a car along with a tv so i mean theres not much i need if i chose to spend 1000 bucks thats my choice.Also if you where to ask around new or old to the modding scene new mods are not going to get old and boring until they can do it they're selves so im sure they wouldnt mind me posting some random stuff i do in my spare time.
  8. Well im not sure if they were tryin to screw with you or what but as of now adding things from one map to another isnt possible also theres a reason we dont normally show this stuff off.
  9. http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq95/quickkill0/Oldwest.jpg http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq95/quickkill0/Ghostshaderswap.jpg http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq95/quickkill0/g2.jpg http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq95/quickkill0/oldwest2.jpg http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq95/quickkill0/party1.jpg http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq95/quickkill0/party3.jpg Credits- Shade4510 & Quickkill0
  10. Well see what inturn im actually doing is not getting the maps on a retail box what i want is the live files from someones xbox for the map packs so i can extract the map files from the live file then transfer them to my demo kit.
  11. Plz read what i said "K well i know this isnt the right place but since this is the most veiwed forum i figured it would be redirected quicker if posted here" it says so it gets redirected quicker not answered quicker.Plz read before you post.
  12. K well i know this isnt the right place but since this is the most veiwed forum i figured it would be redirected quicker if posted here.K well what im looking for is someone who has either both or one of the other of the gears 2 map packs if you have them i need the live file from off your console.Plz and thank you.
  13. Quickkill0

    Selling Devs

    DEVKIT SALES ============ Quantity - 1 "Jasper model development kit, hdmi, no sidecar, 1800$ for 20 GB hdd, 2000$ for 250 Internal HDD. No manufacture date or serial number because IT IS A PROTOTYPE. But the manufacture date obviously is 2008." Quantity - 2 "HDMI Model development kits, no sidecar, 20GB HDD, 1400$ - Manufacture date: 2006-09-24" Quantity - 1 "Falcon HDMI Model Devkit, no sidecar, 20GB HDD, 1500$ - Manufacture date: 2007-03-XX. IT IS A PROTOTYPE." Quantity - (Unlimited) "Regular development kits, no sidecar, 20GB HDD, 1200$, Manufacture date = 2006+." You also pay shipping for every purchase
  14. Lmao how are they going to get leaked theres nothing to leak.Unless someone with really good modding knowledge and a xdk with a craked xex who deosnt mind taking 30 min out of his day persave for u guys then ur at a loss and u make it seem as if we are saying oh yah this bipd swap costs 100.So dont talk unless u have a clue as to what your syaing.
  15. Hey golden do you have an aim or msn account?
  16. Know who.
  17. I didnt up them to youtube my freind dead canadian did.
  18. As sotg has stated alot of those arnt possible but for the most part some are acheivable.
  19. Yes
  20. Its zipped u have to extract it lmao
  21. It is wmv and i dont mind.
  22. Vid DL
  23. Not possible
  24. Idk i just took some random pics the first is a gatling flamethrower xD and the second is the power drainer turned in to a ball of explosions.
  25. You cant make a flyable soccerball its not possible.
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