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Everything posted by Quickkill0

  1. You don't have to be premium to use the Avatar Color Editor you have to be logged in though which is 100% free to create an account. But ofcourse if you don't read you wouldn't know that >_>
  2. Quickkill0


    Atlas is the most innovative and current xbox 360 file modification tool available. Comes equipped with some of the best STFS and FATX handling out and combines some of the funnest games released, and a lifetime membership only costs 20$ which is 30$ cheaper then Valhalla and 5$ cheaper then Horizon. As of now Atlas is strictly buy and license. Now you're probably wondering what makes atlas so special so ill go through some of its features. Game Tools ----------------- Alan Wake Save Editor Assassins Creed 2 Save Editor Avatar Color Editor Bioshock 2 Save Editor Borderlands Save Editor Castle Crashers Profile Editor Darksiders Save Editor DarkVoid Profile Editor Dead Space Save Editor Fable 2 Save Editor Gta IV Save Editor Halo ScreenShot Editor Mass Effect 2 Save Editor Midnight Club LA Save Editor MW2 Save Editor an MP Data Editor Need For Speed Shift Save Editor Ninja Gaiden 2 Save Editor Soul Caliber 4 Save Editor Profile Editor Atlas also comes packed with other features like Fatx/Usb Explorer Full STFS Managment including ground up package building Full drag and drop enabled system making editing files a cinch And many other things that make editing your save so easy youll never need another tool again. Now for good ol pics And probably the most useful aspect of atlas is filepad mode which is a free form drag and drop box that allows you to drag and drop all of your files and open them on your desktop reducing modding time to a matter of seconds.
  3. Actually Odst and halo 3 are quite similar in structure.Odst Model Block.zip
  4. Ok you wanted "Constructive Criticism" so here it is. 1. The bulky buttons make the app look horrible the overplayed use of devcomponets doesn't help much either. 2. You're settings scheme is really bad, there's no point in setting them if you close the app and open it again they just reset. 3. The login form is pointless and irritating for long time users because it just gets in the way and doesn't serve a purpose on the account that you didn't obfuscate you're app so everyone can see you're "Private" password. Also none of which is in this app is "You're" research.You may have coded it but all of that stuff was figured out before you.There's a difference. Take this how you may but this is only for you to improve if you so choose so.
  5. Its a con tool so doesn't necessarily mean it extracts gpd's since they are specific to profiles.
  6. I just dont use this account anymore.
  7. Even as you supposedly end it you talk crap and still prove nothing its good your done maybe someone else will notice at how negligent you are to realizing you didn't prove anything from this argument but the fact that you cant read.Good day.
  8. You are fucking retarded first you attempted to say i claimed rogue stole research then i proved you wrong after that you moved the subject to Con and live files are the same structure which again i never said they wernt.So stop trying to make yourself seem smart infront of everyone else and just stop its over you have tried and failed twice now just stop.
  9. Man you continue to make yourself look stupid Live file info is the name of my app again a failure on your part.
  10. You happen to be the most retarded person ive ever met the post shows the time it was originally posted at Today, 12:55 AM you quoted it at QUOTE (Quickkill0 @ Mar 28 2009, 09:55 PM) and beings how your 3 hours behind me so dont give me your ******** like i tried to cover it up you quoted my first post and the only thing that was changed was i added a link so good job failing at doing anything but making yourself look dumb.
  11. Well then see you are claiming that i stated he stole my research but inturn i never once said anything about research i was clarifying to xXEpsilonXx since he said that rogues app is just a lame remake of my app that inturn its not because the sole purpose of live file info was to read live file info for use when i convert live to my dev so i do not claim research of any of it nor do i say rogue stole research so read my post before you try and act like your smart.
  12. What are you implying by saying that?
  13. How the fuck do people get these things i gave live file info to one person and suddenly people have it.And no this app has features of mine but mine is just something simple i use to make my modding life easier when i edit live files.Live file info is not for uses on con files. But anyway for those who don't know heres Live File Info
  14. That seems to be the case with many senseful dev owners but for those who are childish and immature and just got a dev in thoughts of "oh im going to mod halo 3" then they don't last very long and the kit goes to waste.
  15. Enough of the flaming and return to being on topic or just lock the topic.
  16. Do you speek on behalf of everyone or yourself in terms of use because if your implying you could put it to better use please do explain how you would use it.Else you cant say that they are raising prices for Xdk's what you call a debug kit when as it stands prices for Xdk's are based on the equipment provided and the user selling them not once has it crossed anyone selling a dev that "oh hey people are buying devs i should sell mine for even more so no one will buy".
  17. Do you have a logical reason?
  18. Why is this old topic being brought up its just turned into a failed attempt to prove who's good and who's bad who gives and who doesn't just end it let the topic die and stop talking negative onto others when 90% chance says you don't know the people your talking bad about personally but just over the internet.
  19. Im not sure but im pretty chill with mine http://www.speedtest.net/result/430847111.png
  20. You have absolutely no clue what your talking about nobody cares about the debug mode that's not the mod i just happened to be using it when i was making the map and im not sure if your blind you seem like your only 10 beings how you misspelled can and grenade but if you look at the pics every thing that is colored is the same shade and has the same fill could not be made using a grenade or a power drainer or whatever you might have speculations on what might be.
  21. Actually that is pluasable when i get some time in my day ill be sure to make a vid or take some pics for you. Nope there's no difference in ping at all its just like shader swapping except can be done using rth.
  22. Phail.You are sadly mistaken you cannot achieve either of those using a power drainer or flare please do not put your nonsense on here if you don't know what your talking about.
  23. Not in the slightest
  24. That is correct.
  25. http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq95/quickkill0/GoldPlated.jpg http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq95/quickkill0/glow.jpg
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