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Everything posted by SpanishGamer911

  1. Looks sick B)
  2. thanks alot man B) that site is great B)
  3. Ok ill see if i can find a HQ one but those were the only ones i found EDIT: ok i didn't find any good wallpapers but can you make something with these? http://www.zappos.com/images/738/7382453/3279-557125-p.jpg http://www.zappos.com/images/738/7382453/3279-557125-3.jpg If not then its cool you guys can close this topic
  4. Like the sin B) nice job
  5. its cool those aren't much..how about this one http://www.imyspacegraphics.com/images/zoo-york/zoo_york.jpg or this one? http://www.skateboard-revolution.com/MEDIA/stories/skateboard_1273.jpg
  6. Ok i know there are some really good gfx people here B) so if anyone would please help me and make an awesome sig using one of these pics please pm me.] http://www.x-village.com/images/skateboard/Logos/Zoo%20York%20Logo.jpg http://www.outlookskates.com/StickerZooYorkNYlogo.gif
  7. Lol its cool and that s*** is funny :D
  8. Hmmm When you said you needed user bars? did you mean these? http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/style_images/1/folder_team_icons/member.png Or These? http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii71/puertoricanhell/SG911-1.png Cus i would like to help
  9. thanks B) and i know im working on getting more posts
  10. i agree there the most annoying other then the kids that think they are pro but suck really bad
  11. True but so can the admins and mods but ok guess ill have to see then
  12. Liking the update B) but have you guys thought of getting a new skin? (just asking)
  13. ^^ you could of just said it but anyways..lets see what the mods and admins think
  14. sure ill do it for you just keep an eye on your inbox
  15. Lol now to see what the higher authority has to say
  16. its an ok tut but the outcome isn't good
  17. Ok and sry ill stop
  18. ^^ Thanks B) now to wait for the rest of the responses
  19. Sure just PM me with info and colors ect
  20. SpanishGamer911


    Heres one of my older sigs please rate and share you CnC http://img03.picoodle.com/img/img03/3/9/29/f_samusgirlcom_d9d24e6.jpg
  21. Well from what i see so far it doesn't look dead to me cause i see a lot of people always on and if it were "dead"i don't think there would be all of these people always on here (just my opinion)
  22. hey i remember you B) from h3mod B) lol but ill help once i get a new xbox, not really sure when that is but
  23. Im new but im am here to stay and can't wait to see this update B)
  24. Cool ill make sure to check this out B) nice job
  25. Im saying im the best but im not bad either
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