Ok ill see if i can find a HQ one but those were the only ones i found EDIT: ok i didn't find any good wallpapers but can you make something with these? http://www.zappos.com/images/738/7382453/3279-557125-p.jpg http://www.zappos.com/images/738/7382453/3279-557125-3.jpg If not then its cool you guys can close this topic
its cool those aren't much..how about this one http://www.imyspacegraphics.com/images/zoo-york/zoo_york.jpg or this one? http://www.skateboard-revolution.com/MEDIA/stories/skateboard_1273.jpg
Ok i know there are some really good gfx people here B) so if anyone would please help me and make an awesome sig using one of these pics please pm me.] http://www.x-village.com/images/skateboard/Logos/Zoo%20York%20Logo.jpg http://www.outlookskates.com/StickerZooYorkNYlogo.gif
Hmmm When you said you needed user bars? did you mean these? http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/style_images/1/folder_team_icons/member.png Or These? http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii71/puertoricanhell/SG911-1.png Cus i would like to help
Well from what i see so far it doesn't look dead to me cause i see a lot of people always on and if it were "dead"i don't think there would be all of these people always on here (just my opinion)